(1) This section applies to a professional service that is a diagnostic imaging service.
(2) Prescribed particulars in relation to the medical practitioner who is:
(a) claiming or receiving payment of fees in relation to the service; or
(b) the assignee under an assignment or agreement, made or entered into in accordance with section 20A of the Act, in relation to the medicare benefit in respect of the service;
are either the name of the medical practitioner and the address of a place of practice of the medical practitioner, or the provider number in respect of a place of practice of the medical practitioner.
(3) If the medical practitioner mentioned in subsection (2) (the billing practitioner ) is not the medical practitioner that rendered the service (the service practitioner ), then, subject to subsection (4), additional prescribed particulars are:
(a) the name of the service practitioner and the address of the place of practice where the service was rendered; or
(b) if the service was rendered at a place of practice for which the service practitioner has been allocated a provider number--the provider number.
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply if the particulars mentioned in paragraph (3)(a) or (b), and the date on which the service was requested, are recorded at the billing practitioner's place of practice.