If a field development plan has been accepted before commencement day
(1) If, on the commencement day, a petroleum production licensee has a field development plan for a field in the licence area that has been accepted by the Joint Authority, the field development plan is in force for the field.
If no decision made on acceptance before commencement day
(2) A petroleum production licensee is taken to have made an application under regulation 4.04 on the commencement day if:
(a) the licensee made an application for a field development plan to be accepted by the Joint Authority before the commencement day; and
(b) the Joint Authority did not make a decision on the application before the commencement day.
If there is no accepted field development plan for recovery on commencement day
(3) If petroleum was being recovered in an area under a petroleum production licence on or before the commencement day (the recovery area ) and the recovery after that day is not covered by a field development plan:
(a) the licensee must make an application to the Titles Administrator under regulation 4.04 for acceptance of a field development plan for the recovery area before the end of:
(i) 2 years after the commencement day; or
(ii) if the Titles Administrator gives the licensee written approval to extend the period to 4 years after the commencement day--that period; and
(b) the licensee is exempt from regulation 4.02 until an accepted field development plan is in force for the recovery area.
(4) If a licensee exempted by paragraph (3)(b) makes an application under regulation 4.04 and the plan is rejected by the Joint Authority, the licensee must make another application no later than 90 days after being given notice of the rejection.