Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations
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- made under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006
1.01. Name of Regulations
1.04. Objects of Parts 2 to 4 and 6 to 13
1.04A. Object of Part 5
1.05. Definitions
1.06. Meaning of excluded information
Division 1--Petroleum titleholders
2.01. Application
2.02. Requirement to provide information with notification of discovery of petroleum
2.03. Titles Administrator may request information to be included in discovery assessment report
2.04. Requirement to provide discovery assessment report
Division 2--Greenhouse gas titleholders
2.05. Application
2.06. Requirement to provide petroleum discovery report
2.07. Information may be provided to responsible State Minister and responsible Northern Territory Minister
3.01. Application
3.02. Definition
3.03. Requirement to provide annual title assessment report
3.04. Reports may be combined with permission
3.05. Title assessment report for part of a year
3.06. Information to be provided in annual title assessment report--petroleum exploration permit
3.07. Information to be provided in annual title assessment report--petroleum retention lease
3.08. Information to be provided in annual title assessment report--petroleum production licence
3.09. Information to be provided in annual title assessment report--greenhouse gas assessment permit
3.10. Information to be provided in annual title assessment report--greenhouse gas holding lease
Division 1--Preliminary
4.01. Definitions
Division 2--Field development plan requirements for petroleum production licensees
4.02. Requirement to have an accepted field development plan
4.03. Requirement to undertake activities in accordance with accepted field development plan
Division 3--Obtaining acceptance of field development plan
4.04. Application for acceptance of field development plan
4.05. Joint Authority decision on field development plan
4.06. Criteria for acceptance of field development plan
4.07. Contents of field development plan
Division 4--Variation of field development plan
4.08. Requirement to apply for variation of field development plan
4.09. Application must be made at least 90 days before major change
4.10. Joint Authority decision on variation of field development plan
4.11. Variation required by Joint Authority
4.12. Objection to requirement to vary field development plan
4.13. Decision on objection
Division 5--Recovery of petroleum before field development plan is accepted
4.14. Application for approval to undertake recovery of petroleum without accepted field development plan
4.15. Decision on application
Division 6--Transitional provisions about field development plans
4.16. Events that occurred on or before the commencement of these Regulations
Division 7--Approval of rate of recovery of petroleum
4.17. Requirement to obtain approval of rate of recovery of petroleum
4.18. Application for approval of rate of recovery from pool in licence area
Division 8--Requirement to notify significant event
4.19. Requirement to notify significant event to Joint Authority
Division 1--Preliminary
5.01. Application
5.02. Definitions
5.03. Well includes associated well - related equipment
5.03A. Well activity taken to occur if well is not operational
Division 2--Requirements--well operations management plan
5.04. Requirement to have well operations management plan in force
5.05. Requirement to undertake activities in accordance with well operations management plan
Division 3--Obtaining acceptance of well operations management plan
5.06. Application for acceptance of well operations management plan
5.07. Decision on well operations management plan
5.07A. Further information on submitted plan
5.08. Criteria for acceptance of well operations management plan
5.09. Contents of well operations management plan
Division 4--Revision of well operations management plan
5.10. Revision based on circumstances
5.11. Revision required by Regulator
5.12. Revision required by Regulator--objection to requirement
5.13. Revision at end of each 5 year period
5.14. Form of proposed revision
5.15. Acceptance of revised well operations management plan
5.16. Effect of non - acceptance of proposed revision
Division 5--End of well operations management plan
5.17. Plan ends when well permanently abandoned
Division 6--Withdrawal of acceptance of well operations management plan
5.18. Reasons for withdrawal of acceptance
5.19. Notice of proposal to withdraw acceptance
5.20. Decision to withdraw acceptance
5.20A. Withdrawal decision has no effect in relation to well that is not operational
5.21. Relationship between withdrawal and other provisions
Division 7--Information about specific well activities
5.22. Well activities for which advance notice is required
5.23. Regulator may request more information
5.24. Notice of change in activity or circumstances
5.25. Notice that notified well activity has been completed
Division 8--Incidents, reports and records
5.26. Notifying reportable incident
5.26A. Written report of reportable incident
5.26B. Titleholder must keep copy of report
Division 9--Role of Titles Administrator
5.28. Requirement for titleholder and NOPSEMA to give copies of documents to Titles Administrator
5.29. Requirement for responsible Commonwealth Minister to give copy of direction to NOPSEMA
Division 9A--Application of this Part if a remedial direction is in force
5.29A. Application of this Part if a remedial direction is in force
Division 10--Transitional provisions
5.30. Definitions
5.31. Transitional well operations management plans
5.32. Application for acceptance of new well operations management plan not decided before commencement time
5.33. Variation not dealt with before commencement time
5.34. Existing well without well operations management plan
5.35. New well operations management plan to replace transitional plan
5.36. When transitional plan ceases to be in force
6.01. Application of Part
6.02. Definitions
6.03. Requirement to notify about authorised activity in title area
6.04. Authorisation of petroleum exploration permittee
6.05. Authorisation of petroleum retention lessee
6.06. Authorisation of petroleum production licensee
Division 1--Requirements for keeping information
7.01. Purpose of Division
7.02. Requirement to securely retain information
7.03. Requirement to retain information so that retrieval is reasonably practicable
Division 2--Requirements for collection and retention of cores, cuttings and samples
7.04. Purpose of Division
7.05. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample
7.06. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample in Australia
7.07. Requirement to return core, cutting or sample to Australia
7.08. Requirement to provide report about overseas analysis of core, cutting or sample
7.09. Requirement to securely retain core, cutting or sample
7.10. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample so that retrieval is reasonably practicable
Division 3--Requirements for giving reports and samples
Subdivision 3.1--Preliminary
7.11. Purpose of Division
Subdivision 3.2--Reports about drilling wells
7.12. Requirement for daily drilling report
7.13. Requirement for initial well completion report and data
7.14. Requirement for final well completion report and data
Subdivision 3.3--Reports about geophysical and geological surveys
7.15. Requirement for weekly survey report
7.16. Requirement for survey acquisition report and data
7.17. Requirement for survey processing report and data
7.18. Requirement for survey interpretation report and data
Subdivision 3.4--Other reports
7.19. Requirement for monthly report from petroleum production licensee
Subdivision 3.5--Cores, cuttings and samples
7.20. Requirement to give core, cutting or sample
Division 1--Preliminary
8.01. Definitions
Division 2--Classification of documentary information
8.02. Meaning of permanently confidential information
8.03. Meaning of interpretative information
8.04. Classification dispute notice
8.05. Making an objection
8.06. Consideration of objection by Titles Administrator
8.07. Review of Title Administrator's decision by Minister
8.08. When objection ceases to be in force
Division 3--Release of documentary information
8.09. Purpose of Division
8.10. Release of open information about wells and surveys
8.11. Release of basic disclosable information
8.12. Release of interpretative disclosable information
8.13. Release of documentary information--prior availability or consent
8.13A. Release of documentary information-- Petroleum and Other Fuels Reporting Act 2017
Division 4--Release of petroleum mining samples
8.14. Purpose of Division
8.15. Release of petroleum mining samples after relevant day
8.16. Release of petroleum mining samples - prior availability or consent
Division 1--Requirements to keep information
9.01. Purpose of Division
9.02. Requirement to securely retain information
9.03. Requirement to retain information so that retrieval is reasonably practicable
Division 2--Requirements for collection and retention of cores, cuttings and samples
9.04. Purpose of Division
9.05. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample
9.06. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample in Australia
9.07. Requirement to return core, cutting or sample to Australia
9.08. Requirement to provide report about overseas analysis of core, cutting or sample
9.09. Requirement to securely retain core, cutting or sample
9.10. Requirement to retain core, cutting or sample so that retrieval is reasonably practicable
Division 3--Requirements for giving reports and samples
Subdivision 3.1--Preliminary
9.11. Purpose of Division
Subdivision 3.2--Reports about drilling wells
9.12. Requirement for daily drilling report
9.13. Requirement for initial well completion report and data
9.14. Requirement for final well completion report and data
Subdivision 3.3--Reports about geophysical and geological surveys
9.15. Requirement for weekly survey report
9.16. Requirement for survey acquisition report and data
9.17. Requirement for survey processing report and data
9.18. Requirement for survey interpretation report and data
Subdivision 3.4--Other reports
9.19. Requirement for greenhouse gas injection monthly report--greenhouse gas injection licensee
9.20. Requirement for greenhouse gas injection annual report--greenhouse gas injection licensee
9.21. Requirement for monthly greenhouse gas accounting report--greenhouse gas injection licensee
9.22. Requirement for annual greenhouse gas accounting report--greenhouse gas injection licensee
Subdivision 3.5--Cores, cuttings and samples
9.23. Requirement to give core, cutting or sample
Division 1--Preliminary
10.01. Definitions
Division 2--Classification of documentary information
10.02. Meaning of permanently confidential information
10.03. Meaning of interpretative information
10.04. Classification dispute notice
10.05. Making an objection
10.06. Consideration of objection by Titles Administrator
10.07. Review of Titles Administrator's decision by Minister
10.07A. When objection ceases to be in force
Division 3--Release of documentary information
10.08. Purpose of Division
10.09. Release of open information about wells and surveys
10.10. Release of information from greenhouse gas accounting reports
10.11. Release of basic disclosable information
10.12. Release of interpretative disclosable information
10.13. Release of documentary information--prior availability or consent
Division 4--Release of eligible samples
10.14. Purpose of Division
10.15. Release of eligible samples after relevant day
10.16. Release of eligible samples--prior availability or consent
11.01. Fees in relation to applications etc.
11A.01. Giving documents
11A.02. Giving documents to Joint Authority
11A.02A.Giving documents to Cross - boundary Authority
11A.03. Giving documents to responsible Commonwealth Minister
11A.04. Giving documents to 2 or more registered holders of a petroleum title
11A.05. Giving documents to 2 or more registered holders of a greenhouse gas title
11B.01. Regulations prescribed for particular provisions of Act
12.01. Form of instrument of transfer
12.02. Prescribed details for supplementary instrument for approval of dealing
12.03. Survey of wells, structures or equipment
12.04. Notice of route followed by pipeline
12.05. Requirement to give notice of pipeline incident
12.06. Requirement to provide written report about pipeline incident
12.07. Requirement for notice of geophysical or geological survey
12.08. Requirement to give notice of actions for Royalty Act purposes
Division 1--Transitional arrangements--Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (2013 Measures No. 2) Regulation 2013
13.01. Requirements for giving reports and samples
13.02. Release of data
13.03. Nomination of registered titleholder
Division 2--Application provision relating to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2016
13.04. Application provision--Amendments made by the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2016
Division 3--Application provision relating to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Amendment (Fees) Regulations 2024
13.05. Application provision--amendments made by the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Amendment (Fees) Regulations 2024
SCHEDULE 1 Initial well completion data
SCHEDULE 2 Final well completion data
SCHEDULE 3 Survey acquisition data
SCHEDULE 4 Processed survey data
SCHEDULE 5 Interpretative survey data
SCHEDULE 6 Application fees etc.
SCHEDULE 7 Transfer of title
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