(1) If the Regulator notifies a titleholder under subregulation 5.19(1), the Regulator must, as soon as practicable after the date mentioned in subparagraph 5.19(1)(b)(ii) has passed:
(a) withdraw its acceptance of the well operations management plan; or
(b) decide not to withdraw its acceptance.
(2) The Regulator must not withdraw its acceptance unless the Regulator:
(a) has taken any information given under subparagraph 5.19(1)(b)(ii) into account; and
(b) is satisfied that a reason mentioned in regulation 5.18 exists.
(3) The Regulator must notify the titleholder, in writing, of the following matters as soon as practicable after making a decision:
(a) the terms of the decision;
(b) if the decision is to withdraw its acceptance of the well operations management plan--the reasons for the decision.