Plan that is in force for a well
(1) If, immediately before the commencement time, there was an accepted well operations management plan in force for undertaking a well activity relating to a well in a title area (whether or not the activity was being undertaken at that time), then:
(a) if there is one such plan for the well--the plan is taken to be the well operations management plan in force for the well under the new regulations; and
(b) if there is more than one such plan for the well (because each plan applied to a different well activity)--the combined plans are taken to be the well operations management plan in force for the well under the new regulations.
(2) The day on which the plan in force for the well was first accepted is taken to be:
(a) if there was one accepted plan immediately before the commencement time--the day the plan was accepted under the old regulations; and
(b) if there was more than one accepted plan immediately before the commencement time--the day the first of those plans was accepted under the old regulations.
Law that is in force in relation to well
(3) Despite the amending regulation:
(a) regulation 5.03A and Divisions 2 and 7 of this Part of the new regulations do not apply in relation to the well until a new plan has been accepted for the well; and
(b) Divisions 2, 7 and 8, and regulations 5.31 and 5.31A, of Part 5 of the old regulations apply in relation to the well until a new plan has been accepted for the well.
(4) To avoid doubt, Division 8 of this Part of the new regulations has effect in relation to the well.