(1) A petroleum titleholder commits an offence if the titleholder:
(a) undertakes drilling operations in a title area; and
(b) does not give the Titles Administrator an initial well completion report and all initial well completion data within:
(i) 6 months after the rig release date; or
(ii) if the Titles Administrator authorises the titleholder to give the report and data within another period--the other period.
(2) In this regulation:
"initial well completion data" means each type of data mentioned in Schedule 1:
(a) presented on a medium and in a format specified in the item; or
(b) presented on another medium or in another format that the Titles Administrator has authorised the petroleum titleholder to use.
"initial well completion report" means a report that includes all of the information listed in subregulation (3).
(3) For the definition of initial well completion report in subregulation (2), the information required is in the following table.
Item | Information required |
1 | The name of the well |
2 | The name of the title area in which the well is located |
3 | The location of the well, in the form of: (a) latitude and longitude; and (b) map sheet name and graticular block number; and (c) seismic line location and shotpoint number |
4 | The results of a check survey of the location of: (a) for a subsea well--the wellhead; or (b) in any other case--the top of the casing supporting the blow - out preventer |
5 | If the well is a sidetrack--the name of the parent well |
6 | The names of the rig contractor and rig operator |
7 | The name of the rig drilling the well |
8 | The rig's make and model |
9 | The names of the contractors for: (a) cementing; and (b) wireline logging; and (c) measurements while drilling (MWD); and (d) logging while drilling (LWD); and (e) mudlogging |
10 | Names of MWD and LWD tools used |
11 | List of log runs for wireline logging and velocity surveys |
12 | The purpose of the well (for example development, appraisal, exploration or stratigraphy) |
13 | The outcome of the well operation (for example completion of the well as a producer, suspension or abandonment) |
14 | Raw pressure - time listings for any formation fluid sample tests and production tests |
15 | The spud date |
16 | The rig release date |
17 | What is being used as the depth reference for the well (for example the Kelly bushing or the rig floor) |
18 | The height of the depth reference above sea level |
19 | The water depth at the well |
20 | The measured depth of the well |
21 | The true vertical depth of the well |
22 | If applicable, the depth of perforation in the petroleum reservoir |
23 | The date on which the total depth was reached |
24 | If the well is deviated or horizontal: (a) the surveyed path of the well; and (b) the coordinates of the bottom of the well bore; and (c) if applicable, the coordinates and true vertical depth of the intersection of the well with the reservoir horizon |
25 | Particulars of equipment and casing installed on or in the well, including schematics |
26 | If applicable, information on cementing operations and schematics of abandonment |
27 | Bit records |
28 | Drilling fluids used |
29 | Drilling fluid losses |
30 | List of cores, cuttings and samples taken, and their depths and intervals |