Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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- made under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Statutory Rules No. 394, 1990

made under the

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Compilation No. 124

Compilation date: 1 January 2025

Includes amendments: F2024L00689

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 January 2025 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1--Preliminary

1 Name of Regulations

2 Interpretation

2A Authorised officers

3 Corresponding State law

3AA Unacceptable presentation of therapeutic goods--prescribed class of medicine

3A Unacceptable presentations

3B Definitions relating to goods comprising etc. human cells and tissues

3C Classes of biologicals

Part 2--Advertisements

Division 1--Application of Part

4 Application of Part 2

4A Interpretation

Division 3--General provisions about advertising therapeutic goods

6AA Prescribed committees

6B Prohibited and required representations

7 Prescribed goods for advertising offence and civil penalty

7A Publisher exception for civil penalty provisions

Division 4--Generic information about ingredients or components of therapeutic goods

8 Compliance with the Code

Part 2A--Patient information

9A Information about certain therapeutic goods to be supplied

9B Information about therapeutic goods manufactured using human embryos

Part 2C--Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods

Division 2C.1--Registered and listed therapeutic goods

10 Goods to be included in parts of the Register (Act s 9A)

10AAA Variation of entries in Register--registered complementary medicines and registered OTC medicines

10AAB Variation of entries in Register--prescription medicines other than biological medicines

10AAC Variation of entries in Register--biological medicines

10AAD Variation of entries in Register--biologicals

10AA Prescribed requests for variations of entries in Register

10AB Change of person in whose name goods are listed or registered

10AC Change of name of person

10B Transfers within the Register

10C Re-assignment of registration or listing numbers

10D Notice of reassignment of registration or listing numbers

Division 2C.2--Medical devices included in the Register under Chapter 4

10E Goods to be included in part of the Register for medical devices (Act s 9A)

10F Change of person in relation to whom a medical device is included in the Register under Chapter 4 of the Act

10FA Change of name of person

Division 2C.3--Biologicals included in the Register

10G Goods to be included in the part of the Register for biologicals

10H Change of person for whom a biological is included in the Register under Part  3-2A of the Act

10HA Change of name of person

10I Re-assignment of biological numbers

10J Notice of reassignment of biological numbers

Part 2CA--Prohibition on import, export or manufacture of certain therapeutic goods--international agreements

Division 1--Prescribed international agreements

10JA Prescribed international agreements

Division 2--Prohibition on importation of mercury

10JB Importation of a therapeutic good that is mercury from a non-party to the Minamata Convention is prohibited unless approved by the Secretary before importation

Division 3--Prohibition on export of mercury

10JC Export of a therapeutic good that is mercury is prohibited unless approved by the Secretary before exportation

Division 4--Applications to import or export mercury

10JD Applications to import or export mercury

10JE When approval may be granted--importation

10JF When approval may be granted--export

Division 5--Mercury-added products

10JG Import, export and manufacture of therapeutic goods that are mercury-added products

10JH Manufacture of therapeutic goods containing mercury-added products

Part 2D--Provisional determinations for medicine

10K Applications for provisional determinations

10L Provisional determinations

Part 2E--Scientific advice about aspects of quality, safety or efficacy of medicine

10M Scientific advice about aspects of quality, safety or efficacy of medicine

Part 2F--Vaping goods

10N Commercial quantity of vaping goods

10P Unit of vaping goods

10Q Permitted quantity

Part 3--Registration, inclusion, listing and exemption of therapeutic goods

11 Characteristics that separate and distinguish certain medicines from other therapeutic goods

11A Characteristics that separate and distinguish certain biologicals from other biologicals

12 Exempt goods

12A Unapproved medicines and biological--exemption in life-threatening cases

12AAB Disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

12AA Applications for special and experimental uses

12AB Goods imported etc for experimental uses

12AC Powers of authorised officers in relation to goods imported etc for experimental uses

12AD Use of goods for experimental purposes--specified conditions

12B Exemptions for certain uses--medicines

12BA Authorities for certain uses--therapeutic vaping substances that are not medicines

12C Exemptions for health practitioners--biologicals

15 Application of registration or listing number to goods

15AA Clinical trial registries

15A Conditions of registration and listing of medicines

16AA Information or documents that Secretary may require

16AB Specified periods

Part 3A--Applications for evaluation

Division 1--Preliminary

16A Interpretation--working day

Division 1A--Goods mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 10

16C Applications for registration--notification of effectiveness and period for completing evaluations--general

16D Applications for variations--notification of effectiveness and period for deciding applications--general

16DA Conditions for periods for regulations 16C and 16D

16E Applications for variations--effect of failure to decide applications within specified period

16F Applications for variations--shorter period for deciding applications

16G Applications for registration--shorter period for completing evaluations

Division 2--Applications for evaluation of substances

16GA Evaluation other than evaluation under subsection 9D(1), (2) or (3) or section  25 of the Act

Division 3--Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 biologicals

16GC Notification of preliminary assessment of applications and periods within which certain evaluations must be made

16GD Notification of effective request and period within which certain applications must be decided

16GE Failure to decide an application within specified time

16GF Evaluation, other than evaluation under subsection 9D(3A) or (3AA) or section  32DE of the Act

Division 4--Complementary medicines and certain other listed medicines

16GG Variation of certain entries in the Register--notification of effective requests and period within which decisions must be made

16GH Registration and listing of certain medicines--notification of preliminary assessment of applications and period within which evaluations must be completed

16GI Registration and listing of certain medicines--notification of preliminary assessment of applications and period within which decisions on recommendations must be made

16GIA Period for paying evaluation fee for application under subsection 26BD(1) of the Act

16GJ Determination of competent regulatory authority of a foreign country or foreign jurisdiction in relation to evaluation of applications

Part 3B--Designated orphan drugs

16H Application to designate medicine as orphan drug

16J Designation of medicine as orphan drug

16K Period during which designation is in force

16L Extension of designation

16M Revocation of designation

Part 3C--Therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determinations

16P Application of Part

16Q Application for therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determination

16R Making of therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determination

16S Period during which therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determination is in force

16T Revocation of therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determination

Part 3D--Biologicals (priority applicant) determinations

16U Application of Part

16V Application for biologicals (priority applicant) determination

16W Making of biologicals (priority applicant) determination

16X Period during which biologicals (priority applicant) determination is in force

16Y Revocation of biologicals (priority applicant) determination

Part 4--Licensing of manufacturers

17 Exempt goods for the purposes of subsection 34(1) of the Act

18 Exempt Persons

19 Requirements for licence holders

20 Conditions of licences

21 Persons having control of production etc to be named

22 Transfer of licences

Part 5--Examination, testing and analysis of goods

23 Interpretation

24 Authorised officer--powers and duties

25 Appointment of analysts and official analysts and powers of official analysts

26 Taking of samples for testing

26A Receiving samples for testing

27 Examination and testing of sample

28 Tests for determining conformity with a standard or compliance with essential principles

29 Certificate of responsible analyst

30 Review of results of examination and analysis

31 Payment for samples

32 Offences relating to analysis etc

33 Production of identity card

Part 5A--Exceptional release

33A Prescribed circumstances under which biologicals may be imported, exported or supplied

33B Conditions for supply of biologicals

33C Report on release of nonconforming biological

Part 6--Committees

Division 1A--Advisory Committee on Medicines

35 Establishment

35A Functions

35B Membership

Division 1D--Advisory Committee on Medical Devices

38 Establishment

38A Functions

38B Membership

Division 1E--Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines

39 Establishment

39A Functions

39B Membership

Division 1EA--Advisory Committee on Biologicals

39C Establishment

39D Functions

39E Membership

Division 1EB--Advisory Committee on Vaccines

39F Establishment

39G Functions

39H Membership

Division 1F--General

40 Application of this Division

41 Appointment of members

41A Appointment of the chair

41B Resignation or vacancy

41C Termination of appointment

41D Leave of absence

41E Acting members

41F Committee procedures

41G Meetings

41H Presiding member

41I Quorum

41J Voting

42 Miscellaneous

Division 3A--Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling

Subdivision 3A.1--Preliminary

42ZCA Definitions for Division 3A

Subdivision 3A.2--Constitution of Committee

42ZCB Membership of Committee

42ZCC Committee members

42ZCD Appointed members

42ZCE Nominated members

42ZCF Appointment of the Chair and acting Chair

42ZCG Resignation or vacancy

42ZCH Termination of appointment

42ZCI Leave of absence

42ZCJ Acting members

Subdivision 3A.3--Committee meetings

42ZCK Committee meetings

42ZCL Meeting procedure

42ZCM Presiding member

42ZCN Quorum

42ZCO Voting

42ZCP Miscellaneous

Division 3B--Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling

Subdivision 3B.1--Preliminary

42ZCQ Definitions for Division 3B

Subdivision 3B.2--Constitution of Committee

42ZCR Membership of Committee

42ZCS Committee members

42ZCT Appointed members

42ZCU Nominated members

42ZCV Appointment of the Chair and acting Chair

42ZCW Resignation or vacancy

42ZCX Termination of appointment

42ZCY Leave of absence

42ZCZ Acting members

Subdivision 3B.3--Committee meetings

42ZCZA Committee meetings

42ZCZB Meeting procedure--general

42ZCZC Presiding member

42ZCZD Quorum

42ZCZE Voting

42ZCZF Miscellaneous

Division 3C--Joint meetings

42ZCZG Joint meetings

42ZCZH Procedure for joint meetings

Division 3D--Procedure for amending the current Poisons Standard

Subdivision 3D.1--Preliminary

42ZCZI Definitions for Division 3D

Subdivision 3D.2--Procedure if proposed amendment referred to expert advisory committee

42ZCZJ Application

42ZCZK Proposed amendment to be referred to expert advisory committee

42ZCZL Consideration of public submissions

42ZCZM Committee to advise Secretary

42ZCZN Interim decision of Secretary

42ZCZO Secretary may make final decision if no interim decision required

42ZCZP Call for further submissions

42ZCZQ Reconsideration of interim decision

42ZCZR Final decision if there is an interim decision

42ZCZS Publication of final decision

Subdivision 3D.3--Procedure if proposed amendments not referred to expert advisory committee

42ZCZT Application

42ZCZU Final decision without interim decision

42ZCZV Interim decision required if Secretary decides not to amend as requested

42ZCZW Final decision if there is interim decision

42ZCZX Publication of final decision

Part 7--Charges for registration, listing and inclusion, licences, exemptions, costs and fees

Division 1--Charges for registration, listing and inclusion of therapeutic goods, exemptions and licences

Subdivision 1--Preliminary

43AAA Meaning of turnover and when turnover is of low value

Subdivision 1A--Time for payment of certain annual charges

43AAB Time for payment of certain annual charges

Subdivision 2--Exemption from liability to pay certain annual charges--therapeutic goods other than IVD devices

43AAAA Application

43AABA Purpose of this Subdivision

43AABB Exemption from liability to pay certain annual charges--2014-15 financial year--goods entered on Register on or after 1  May 2015 and on or before 30 June 2015

43AAC Exemption from liability to pay certain annual charges--2015-16 financial year

43AAD Exemption from liability to pay certain annual charges--financial years commencing on or after 1 July 2016

43AAE Exemption from liability to pay certain annual charges--late notice that turnover was of low value

43AAF Person may notify Secretary that turnover of goods for financial year will not be of low value

43AAG Secretary may notify person that annual charge is payable if turnover is not of low value

Subdivision 2A--Exemption from liability to pay annual charge--IVD devices

43AAGA Purpose of this Subdivision

43AAGB Exemption from liability to pay annual charge--2017-18 financial year

43AAGC Exemption from liability to pay annual charge--financial years commencing on or after 1 July 2018

43AAGD Exemption from liability to pay annual charge--late notice that turnover was of low value

43AAGE Person may notify Secretary that turnover of IVD device for financial year will not be of low value

43AAGF Secretary may notify person that annual charge is payable if turnover is not of low value

Subdivision 2B--Waiver of certain annual charges

43AAGG Purpose of Subdivision

43AAH Waiver of certain annual charges

Subdivision 3--Charges for licensing

43AAJ Licensing charge--reduction in certain circumstances

Division 2--Fees and costs

43 Fees

43A When is no application fee payable?

43AA Fee for evaluation--refund in certain circumstances

43AB Circumstances in which inspection fee covered by annual charge

43AC Refund of fees where no evaluation undertaken--registered OTC medicines

43ACA Refund of fees where no evaluation undertaken--certain registered and listed medicines

43AD Fee for therapeutic goods (priority applicant) determination application--refund in certain circumstances

43AE Fee for application for provisional determination relating to medicine--refund in certain circumstances

43AF Fee for request for variation of certain registered and listed medicines--refund in certain circumstances

44 Testing of samples--recovery of costs

45 Waiver or reduction of fees

45AA Payment of fees in instalments

Part 8--Miscellaneous

46AA Identity cards for authorised officers

46A Delegation under the Act

46B Protected persons

46 Release of information

47 Delegation--powers and functions under these Regulations

47A Delegation--powers under paragraphs 19(1)(a), 32CK(1)(d) and 41HB(1)(d) of the Act

47B Provision of information concerning medicines, biologicals and medical devices

47C Enforceable directions

48 Review of decisions

Part 9--Transitional

Division 1--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1)

48A Definitions

48B Application of 2010 Amendment Regulations

Division 2--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 3)

49 Transitional

Division 3--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Registered Over the Counter Medicines) Regulation 2015

50 Application

Division 4--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Charges Exemptions and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

51 Application

Division 5--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2017

52 Definitions

53 Transitional--continuing application of evaluation fees for variations of permissible ingredients determinations

54 Transitional--existing orphan drug designations

55 Transitional--pending orphan drug designation applications

56 Transitional--fee waivers in relation to certain designations

Division 6--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 2) Regulations  2017

57 Definitions

58 Application--statements in relation to unapproved medicines and biologicals

59 Transitional--approval of form for statements

Division 7--Application and saving provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2018

60 Application provisions

61 Operation of Schedule 2--complementary medicines

62 Saving provision

Division 8--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Exempt Devices and Goods) Regulations 2018

63 Application of amendments

Division 9--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 2) Regulations  2018

64 Definitions

65 Transitional provisions--exemptions from Parts 3-2 and 3 -2A of the Act

66 Transitional provisions--exemptions from Part 3-3 of the Act

Division 10--Application provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 3) Regulations  2018

67 Application

Division 11--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Fees for Relisted Medicine) Regulations 2019

68 Application and transitional provisions

Division 12--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2019

Subdivision A--Definitions

69 Definitions

Subdivision B--Faecal microbiota transplant products

70 Faecal microbiota transplant products--Division 4 of Part  3-2A of the Act

71 Faecal microbiota transplant products--Part 3-3 of the Act

Subdivision C--Consumer medicine information documents

72 Consumer medicine information documents

Subdivision D--Handling and testing of samples

73 Handling and testing of samples

Subdivision E--Fee waivers and refunds for certain requests relating to prescription opioids

74 Fee waivers and refunds for certain requests relating to prescription opioids

Subdivision F--Clinical trials

75 Clinical trials

Division 13--Application and saving provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2020 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2020

76 Approving supply of therapeutic goods under authorised prescriber scheme

77 Preliminary assessment of applications for variation of permissible ingredients determination

Division 15--Application provisions relating to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2021

79 Application of amendments made by the Minamata Convention on Mercury (Consequential Amendments) Regulations  2021

Division 16--Application provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021

81 Access to medicines in emergency situations

82 Consumer medicine information documents

83 Approving supply of therapeutic goods under authorised prescriber scheme

Division 17--Application provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021

84 Amendments made by Division 1 of Part 2 of Schedule  1

85 Amendments made by Division 2 of Part 2 of Schedule  1

Division 18--Application provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2022

86 Extemporaneously-compounded medicinal cannabis products

Division 19--Application provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Regulations  2022

87 Reconsideration of decisions

Division 20--Application provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2022

88 Exempt goods

89 Fee for requests to vary entries in Register

Division 21--Application provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023

90 Clinical trials

Division 22--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2023 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2023

91 Clinical trials

92 Removal of exemptions for sunscreen preparations

Division 23--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Vaping) Regulations 2023

93 Definitions

94 Approving supply of therapeutic goods under authorised prescriber scheme

95 Goods to be included in parts of the Register

96 Exempt goods

97 Transitional vaping manufacturers--exemption from Part 3-3 of the Act

Division 24--Application provision relating to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024

98 Exempt goods

Division 25--Transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2024 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024

99 Definitions

100 Fee waivers in relation to the Medicines Repurposing Program

101 Examination, testing and analysis of goods

102 Identity cards

103 Sunscreen preparations

Division 26--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Regulations 2024

104 Definitions

105 Authorities for therapeutic vaping substances that are not medicines

106 Therapeutic vaping packs

107 Exempt goods

108 Transitional vaping goods--exemption from Part 3-2 of the Act

Division 27--Application, transitional and saving provisions relating to the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2024 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024

109 Definitions

110 Exempt therapeutic goods

111 Notices, statements and determinations

Schedule 1--Part 2 does not apply to members of an Australian branch of one of these bodies

Schedule 2--Prohibited and required representations

Part 1--Prohibited representations

Part 2--Required representations

Part 3--Vitamins referred to in Item 3 of Part 1 of this Schedule

Schedule 3--Therapeutic goods required to be included in the part of the Register for goods known as registered goods or as provisionally registered goods

Part 1--Medicines

Part 2--Therapeutic goods that are not medicines

Part 3--Therapeutic goods attracting no fee under Division 1 or 2 of Part 3-2 of the Act

Schedule 4--Therapeutic goods required to be included in the part of the Register for listed goods

Schedule 5--Therapeutic goods exempt from the operation of Parts 3-2 and 3-2A of the Act

Schedule 5A--Therapeutic goods exempt from operation of Parts 3-2 and 3-2A of Act subject to conditions

Schedule 5B--Disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

1 Early end of exemption--notice of goods held

1A Early cessation of exemption--notice of biologicals held

2 Expiration of period of exemption--notice of goods held

2A Expiration of period of exemption--notice of biologicals held

3 Storage and disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

4 Direction for disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

5 Relocation of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

6 Disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals--destruction

7 Disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals--export

8 Disposal of unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals--supply

9 Owner to be paid for goods or biologicals supplied

10 Records about unused emergency goods and unused emergency biologicals

11 Failure to comply with this Schedule

Schedule 7--Therapeutic goods exempt from the operation of Part 3-3 of the Act unless supplied as pharmaceutical benefits

Schedule 8--Persons exempt from the operation of Part 3-3 of the Act

Schedule 9--Fees--therapeutic goods other than biologicals

Part 1--Interpretation

1 Definitions

2 Part 2 fees do not apply in relation to applications etc. covered by Part 3 or 4

Part 2--Table of fees other than for applications etc. covered by Part 3 or 4

3 Table of fees

Part 3--Table of fees for applications etc. in relation to certain OTC medicines

4 Table of fees

Part 4--Table of fees for applications etc. in relation to certain complementary medicines and certain other listed medicines

5 Table of fees

Schedule 9A--Fees--biologicals

Part 1--Interpretation of table

1 Definitions

Part 2--Table of fees

Schedule 10--Therapeutic goods for evaluation

Part 1--Evaluation of prescription and other medicines by the Prescription Medicines Authorisation Branch

Part 2--Evaluation of complementary medicines by the Complementary and OTC Medicines Branch

Part 3--Evaluation of non-prescription and other medicines by the Complementary and OTC Medicines Branch

Schedule 12--Consumer medicine information documents

1 General requirements

2 Specific requirements--document enclosed within packaging etc.

3 Specific requirements--document not enclosed within packaging etc.

Schedule 13--Consumer medicine information documents

1 General requirements

2 Specific requirements--document enclosed within packaging etc.

3 Specific requirements--document not enclosed within packaging etc.

Schedule 14--Designated active ingredients

Schedule 16--Classes of biologicals

1A Class 1 biologicals

1 Class 4 biologicals


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history




Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section 15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.


Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history


Number and year

FRLI registration or gazettal


Application, saving and transitional provisions

1990 No. 394

6 Dec 1991

15 Feb 1991


1991 No. 84

30 Apr 1991

rr. 3.1, 5.2, 7.1, 10.2, 11.1, 12.2, 12.4, 13.1 and 14.1: 15 Feb 1991
Remainder: 30 Apr 1991


1991 No. 485

24 Dec 1991

24 Dec 1991


1992 No. 19

31 Jan 1992

r. 10: 1 July 1992
Remainder: 1 Feb 1992


1992 No. 89

14 Apr 1992

14 Apr 1992


1992 No. 109

28 Apr 1992

28 Apr 1992


1992 No. 332

27 Oct 1992

27 Oct 1992


1992 No. 370

30 Nov 1992

30 Nov 1992


1992 No. 430

24 Dec 1992

rr. 4 and 7: 1 Jan 1993 Remainder: 24 Dec 1992


1993 No. 141

25 June 1993

1 July 1993


1994 No. 150

2 June 1994

2 June 1994

r. 22

1994 No. 222

30 June 1994

1 July 1994


1994 No. 364

1 Nov 1994

1 Nov 1994


1995 No. 33

8 Mar 1995

8 Mar 1995


1995 No. 111

31 May 1995

1 June 1995


1995 No. 192

30 June 1995

1 July 1995


1995 No. 208

4 July 1995

rr. 6 and 9.3: 1 Oct 1995
rr. 8, 9.2, 10.6 and 11.7: 1 Jan 1996
r. 10.7: 1 Oct 1996
rr. 13.2 and 14.4: 1 Jan 1997
Remainder: 4 July 1995

r. 19

1995 No. 253

29 Aug 1995

29 Aug 1995


1995 No. 320

3 Nov 1995

3 Nov 1995


1995 No. 328

3 Nov 1995

6 Nov 1995 (see r. 1 and Gazette 1995, No. S423)


1996 No. 9

31 Jan 1996

31 Jan 1996


1996 No. 25

5 Feb 1996

5 Feb 1996
Note: disallowed by the House of Representatives on 10 Sept 1996


1996 No. 131

28 June 1996

1 July 1996


1996 No. 200

11 Sept 1996

11 Sept 1996


1996 No. 208

26 Sept 1996

26 Sept 1996


1997 No. 162

30 June 1997

1 July 1997


1997 No. 398

24 Dec 1997

24 Dec 1997


1997 No. 399

24 Dec 1997

rr. 1.1, 3.1, 9 and 10: 24 Dec 1997
Remainder: 1 Jan 1998


1997 No. 400

24 Dec 1997

24 Dec 1997


1997 No. 401 /span>

24 Dec 1997

24 Dec 1997
Note: disallowed by the Senate on 31 Mar 1998


1998 No. 227

16 July 1998

16 July 1998


1998 No. 247

31 July 1998

1 Aug 1998


1998 No. 369

22 Dec 1998

1 Jan 1999


1999 No. 62

16 Apr 1999

16 Apr 1999


1999 No. 209

16 Sept 1999

16 Sept 1999

r. 4

1999 No. 324

16 Dec 1999

16 Dec 1999


2000 No. 29

23 Mar 2000

rr. 1, 2 and 3(1) and Schedule 1: 23 Mar 2000
Remainder: 31 Mar 2000


2000 No. 48

19 Apr 2000

19 Apr 2000


2000 No. 70

12 May 2000

1 July 2000


2000 No. 123

22 June 2000

22 June 2000


2000 No. 124

22 June 2000

1 July 2000


2000 No. 267

28 Sept 2000

28 Sept 2000


2000 No. 358

20 Dec 2000

20 Dec 2000


2001 No. 159

29 June 2001

29 June 2001


2001 No. 160

29 June 2001

1 July 2001


2001 No. 252

20 Sept 2001

22 Sept 2001 (see r. 2)


2001 No. 343

21 Dec 2001

rr. 1-3 and Schedule 1: 30 Sept 2001
Remainder: 21 Dec 2001


2002 No. 9

21 Feb 2002

21 Feb 2002


2002 No. 84

9 May 2002

9 May 2002


2002 No. 114

7 June 2002

7 June 2002


2002 No. 143

27 June 2002

1 July 2002


2002 No. 234

4 Oct 2002

4 Oct 2002 (see r. 2)


2002 No. 315

19 Dec 2002

rr. 1-3 and Schedule 1: 19 Dec 2002
Remainder: 1 Jan 2003


2002 No. 345

20 Dec 2002

rr. 1-3 and Schedule 1: 20 Dec 2002
Remainder: 1 Jan 2003


2003 No. 111

13 June 2003

13 June 2003


2003 No. 151

26 June 2003

1 July 2003


2003 No. 257

16 Oct 2003

16 Oct 2003


2003 No. 258

16 Oct 2003

rr. 1-3 and Schedule 1: 16 Oct 2003
Remainder: 1 Oct 2004


2003 No. 301

5 Dec 2003

5 Dec 2003


2003 No.  /span>361

23 Dec 2003

23 Dec 2003


2004 No. 78

30 Apr 2004

30 Apr 2004


2004 No. 127

18 June 2004

1 July 2004

r. 4

2004 No. 159

25 June 2004

1 July 2004


2005 No. 192

19 Aug 2005 (F2005L02312)

20 Aug 2005


2006 No. 122

2 June 2006 (F2006L01615)

3 June 2006


2006 No. 212

10 Aug 2006 (F2006L02573)

11 Aug 2006


2007 No. 161

25 June 2007 (F2007L01521)

1 July 2007


2008 No. 117

20 June 2008 (F2008L01367)

1 July 2008


2009 No. 63

15 Apr 2009 (F200900839)

16 Apr 2009


2009 No. 140

25 June 2009 (F2009L01826)

26 June 2009


2009 No. 141

25 June 2009 (F2009L02019)

1 July 2009


2009 No. 179

9 July 2009 (F2009L02089)

10 July 2009


2009 No. 228

10 Sept 2009 (F2009L02935)

11 Sept 2009


2009 No. 374

16 Dec 2009 (F2009L04018)

rr. 1-4 and Schedule 1: 1 Jan 2010
Schedule 2: 25 Jan 2010

r. 4

2010 No. 26

3 Mar 2010 (F2010L00470)

1 July 2010

rr. 4-7

2010 No. 129

21 June 2010 (F2010L01285)

1 July 2010


2010 No. 130

21 June 2010 (F2010L01282)

1 July 2010


2010 No. 266

28 Oct 2010 (F2010L02771)

29 Oct 2010

r. 4

2011 No. 30

16 Mar 2011 (F2011L00434)

31 May 2011 (see r. 2)


2011 No. 102

21 June 2011 (F2011L01100)

1 July 2011


2011 No. 281

8 Dec 2011 (F2011L02595)

rr. 1-3 and Schedule 1: 9 Dec 2011
Schedule 2: 1 Mar 2012


2012 No. 142

29 June 2012 (F2012L01448)

30 June 2012


2012 No. 143

29 June 2012 (F2012L01455)

1 July 2012


2012 No. 251

9 Nov 2012 (F2012L02161)

10 Nov 2012


94, 2013

3 June 2013 (F2013L00896)

1 July 2013


220, 2013

6 Aug 2013 (F2013L01516)

7 Aug 2013


62, 2014

30 May 2014 (F2014L00630)

1 July 2014


63, 2014

30 May 2014 (F2014L00632)

1 July 2014


75, 2015

1 June 2015 (F2015L00778)

Sch 1 (items 1-6, 9-11): 1 July 2015 (s 2)


87, 2015

19 June 2015 (F2015L00854)

Sch 1 (items 2-6): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item  1)


90, 2015

18 June 2015 (F2015L00837)

Sch 2 (item 197): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item  2)


213, 2015

1 Dec 2015 (F2015L01909)

1 Jan 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)


214, 2015

1 Dec 2015 (F2015L01910)

1 Jan 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)






Application, saving and transitional provisions

Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Charges Exemptions and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

15 Feb 2016 (F2016L00109)

Sch 1: 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 and Sch 4 (items 6-35): 16 Feb 2016 (s 2(1) items 3, 5)
Sch 4 (items 1-5): 16 Aug 2016 (s 2(1) item 4)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

5 May 2016 (F2016L00667)

Sch 1 (items 2-10): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Advisory Committees and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

14 Oct 2016 (F2016L01614)

Sch 1: 1 Jan 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)
Remainder: 15 Oct 2016 (s 2(1) items 1, 3)


Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Narcotic Drugs) Regulation 2016

28 Oct 2016 (F2016L01652)

Sch 1 (items 1-8): 1 Nov 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)
Note: Sch 1 (items 1, 4) were disallowed by the Senate on 13 June 2017 at 13:07


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2017

19 May 2017 (F2017L00552)

Sch 1 (items 3-5): 1 July 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2017

30 June 2017 (F2017L00853)

Sch 1 (items 1-3), Sch 2 (items 7-19), Sch 3-5, Sch 6 (item 2), Sch 7, Sch 8 (items  7-9) and Sch 9: 1 July 2017 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 1 (items 4-7): 4 Dec 2017 (s 2(1) item 3)


as amended by




Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2017

1 Dec 2017 (F2017L01561)

Sch 2 (item 1): 2 Dec 2017 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2017

1 Dec 2017 (F2017L01561)

Sch 2 (items 2-12): 4 Dec 2017 (s 2(1) item 4)
Sch 3: 1 Jan 2018 (s 2(1) item 5)
Sch 4 (items 1-4, 6, 11-17): 2 Dec 2017 (s 2(1) item 6)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2018

19 Mar 2018 (F2018L00311)

Sch 1, Sch 2, Sch 4 (items 1-11), Sch 5 and Sch 6 (items 9-42): 20 Mar 2018 (s 2(1) items 2, 3, 5, 8)
Sch 4 (items 12-16): 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 6)
Sch 4 (items 17-23): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) item 7)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Exempt Devices and Goods) Regulations 2018

26 Apr 2018 (F2018L00516)

Sch 1 (items 6-10): 27 Apr 2018 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2018

12 June 2018 (F2018L00759)

Sch 1 (items 5-16): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (items 17, 18): 1 July 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2018

25 June 2018 (F2018L00865)

Sch 1 (items 4-29): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Note: This amending title was affected by an editorial change (see F2018C00390)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2018 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2018

15 Oct 2018 (F2018L01434)

Sch 1 (items 3-34): 16 Oct 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (items 37-49): 1 Jan 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2018

26 Nov 2018 (F2018L01612)

27 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Scheduling Advisory Committee Members) Regulations 2019

8 Feb 2019 (F2019L00109)

9 Feb 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2019

25 Mar 2019 (F2019L00396)

Sch 1 (items 4-26): 1 July 2019 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Fees for Relisted Medicine) Regulations 2019

25 Sept 2019 (F2019L01260)

26 Sept 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Approval of Advertisements) Regulations 2019

14 Nov 2019 (F2019L01465)

15 Nov 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2019

18 Dec 2019 (F2019L01660)

Sch 5, 7 and Sch 9 (items 1-10): 1 Jan 2020 (s 2(1) items 4, 6, 8)
Sch 6: 1 Jan 2021 (s 2(1) item 5)
Sch 8, Sch 9 (items 11-13) and Sch 10 (item 2): 19 Dec 2019 (s 2(1) items 7, 9, 10)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Radiopharmaceuticals and Radiopharmaceutical Active Ingredients) Regulations 2020

1 May 2020 (F2020L00544)

2 May 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2020

15 June 2020 (F2020L00720)

Sch 1 (items 2, 4-27): 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2020 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2020

23 July 2020 (F2020L00946)

Sch 4, Sch 8 (items 24-31), Sch 9 and Sch 10 (item 2): 24 July 2020 (s 2(1) items 3, 7, 9)
Sch 5 and 6: 23 July 2020 (s 2(1) items 4, 5)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2020 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2020

14 Dec 2020 (F2020L01598)

Sch 1 (items 3-10): 15 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021

16 Apr 2021 (F2021L00450)

Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 19 Apr 2021 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (item 3): 17 Apr 2021 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees) Regulations 2021

3 June 2021 (F2021L00688)

Sch 1 (items 2, 3): 1 July 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021

27 July 2021 (F2021L01032)

Sch 1 (items 1, 2, 6-8, 13, 15): 28 July 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)


Minamata Convention on Mercury (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2021

5 Oct 2021 (F2021L01390)

Sch 1 (items 57-59): 7 Mar 2022 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021

28 Oct 2021 (F2021L01474)

Sch 1 (items 54-61, 70-82, 87): 29 Oct 2021 (s 2(1) item 7)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021

17 Dec 2021 (F2021L01809)

Sch 1 (items 5-10): 18 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 1 (items 11-18): 1 Jan 2022 (s 2(1) item 4)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2022

4 Mar 2022 (F2022L00243)

Sch 1 (items 3, 4): 31 Mar 2022 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 7 Mar 2022 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3 (item 4): 5 Mar 2022 (s 2(1) item 4)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2022

13 Apr 2022 (F2022L00600)

Sch 1 (items 5-11): 1 July 2022 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2022

30 Sept 2022 (F2022L01300)

Sch 3: 1 Oct 2022 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2022

19 Dec 2022 (F2022L01687)

Sch 2: 20 Dec 2022 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023

13 June 2023 (F2023L00769)

Sch 1 (items 1-13): 21 June 2023 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (items 20-28, 30, 52, 54): 14 June 2023 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2023

13 June 2023 (F2023L00770)

Sch 1 (items 7-13): 1 July 2023 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2023 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2023

27 Nov 2023 (F2023L01558)

Sch 1 (items 13-23, 34): 28 Nov 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 1 (items 24-32): 1 Jan 2024 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Vaping) Regulations 2023

14 Dec 2023 (F2023L01667)

Sch 1: 1 Jan 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024

29 Feb 2024 (F2024L00260)

1 Mar 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2024 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024

14 June 2024 (F2024L00686)

Sch 1 (items 1-4, 8-16, 18): 15 June 2024 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (items 1, 2, 11): 1 July 2024 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3: 1 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 4)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Fees and Other Measures) Regulations 2024

17 June 2024 (F2024L00689)

Sch 1 (items 15-21): 1 July 2024 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 1 Jan 2025 (s 2(1) item 3)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Regulations 2024

28 June 2024 (F2024L00839)

Sch 1 (items 16-32, 35, 36): 1 July 2024 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 1 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3: 30 Aug 2024 (s 2(1) item 4)


Administrative Review Tribunal Legislation Consequential Amendments (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024

11 Oct 2024 (F2024L01299)

Sch 7 (items 28-33): 14 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)


Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (2024 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024

13 Dec 2024 (F2024L01673)

Sch 1 (items 8-15, 17): 14 Dec 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)




Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Act 2024

50, 2024

27 June 2024

Sch 4 (items 17-19): 1 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 5)

Sch 4 (items 18, 19)


Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


r 1.....................

rs No 369, 1998

r 2.....................

am No 485, 1991; No 332, 1992; No 364, 1994; No 111, 1995; No 208, 1995; No 328, 1995; No 398, 1997; No 399, 1997; No 400, 1997; No  369, 1998; No 62, 1999; No 324, 1999; No 29, 2000; No 48, 2000; No 358, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 234, 2002; No 111, 2003; No 151, 2003; No 301, 2003; No 361, 2003; No  127, 2004; No 374, 2009; No 26, 2010; No 30, 2011; No 102, 2011; No 251, 2012; No 75, 2015; No 214, 2015; F2016L00109; F2016L01614; F2017L00853; F2017L01561; F2018L00311; F2018L00865; F2018L01434; F2019L00396


ed C88


am F2019L01465; F2019L01660; F2020L00720; F2020L00946 (amdt never applied (Sch 9 item 1)); F2021L01032; F2021L01390; F2022L01300; F2022L01687; F2023L00769; F2023L01667; F2024L00686; F2024L00839

r 2A....................

ad No 361, 2003

r 3.....................

am No 89, 1992; No 430, 1992


rs No 111, 1995


am No 200, 1996


rs No 361, 2003


am No 26, 2010; No 102, 2011; No 281, 2011; No 87, 2015


ed C88


am F2021L01474; F2024L00839

r 3AA...................

ad No 102, 2011


am No 213, 2015; F2018L00311; F2018L01434

r 3A....................

ad 2003 No 301


am 2005 No 192; F2017L00853

r 3B....................

ad F2018L00865

r 3C....................

ad F2023L00769

Part 2


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad No 400, 1997

Division 1................

rs No 301, 2003

r 4.....................

am No 19, 1992; No 159, 2001


rs No 301, 2003

r 4A....................

ad No 301, 2003

r 5.....................

rep No 301, 2003

r 5A....................

ad No 19, 1992


rep No 301, 2003

Division 2................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 5B....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 227, 1998; No 369, 1998; No 62, 1999; No 48, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 234, 2002; No  301, 2003; F2019L01465


rep F2018L00311

r 5BA...................

ad No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 5C....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 159, 2001


rep F2018L00311

r 5D....................

ad No 400, 1997


rep No 62, 1999

r 5E....................

ad No 400, 1997


rep No 62, 1999

r 5F....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 324, 1999


rep F2018L00311

r 5G....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 324, 1999; No 48, 2000; No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 5H....................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 5J.....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 5K....................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 5L....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 62, 1999; No 48, 2000; F2018L00311


rep F2018L00311

r 5M....................

ad No 400, 1997


am F2016L00109; F2018L00311


rep F2018L00311

r 5N....................

ad No 400, 1997


am F2018L00311


rep F2018L00311

r 5P....................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 5Q....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 48, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 301, 2003; No 281, 2011; F2016L00109; F2018L00311; F2019L01465


rep F2018L00311

Division 3


Division 3 heading..........

ad. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2003 No. 301

Division 3................

rs. 2003 No. 301

r. 5R....................

ad. 1997 No. 400


rep. 2003 No. 301

r 6.....................

am 1992 No. 19; 1995 No. 253; 1996 No. 9; 1998 No. 227; 2000 No.  48; 2001 No. 159; 2002 Nos. 9 and 234


rs. 2003 No. 301


rep F2018L00311

r 6AA...................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301


ad. 2009 No. 374


am F2016L01614; F2018L00311

r 6AB...................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301

r 6A....................

ad No 208, 1995


rs No 301, 2003; No 192, 2005


rep F2018L00311

r 6B....................

ad 2003 No 301


am F2018L01434; F2021L01809

r 7.....................

rs No 301, 2003


am F2016L00109


rs F2018L00311


am F2021L01809; F2022L01687

r 7A....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003


ad F2018L00311

r 7B....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7C....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7D....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7E....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7F....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7G....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r 7H....................

ad No 48, 2000


rep No 301, 2003

r. 7J....................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301

Division 4


Division 4 heading..........

ad. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2003 No. 301

Division 4................

rs. 2003 No. 301

r 8.....................

am No 400, 1997


rs No 301, 2003


am No 122, 2006; F2018L00311; F2018L01434; F2021L01809

r 8A....................

ad No 301, 2003


am No 122, 2006


rep F2018L00311

Division 5................

ad No 400, 1997


rep No 48, 2000


ad No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 9.....................

rs No 48, 2000; No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r. 9AA..................

ad. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2000 No. 48


am. 2002 No. 315


rep. 2003 No. 301

rr. 9AB-9AE..............

ad. 1997 No. 400


rep. 2000 No. 48

Part 2A


Part 2A..................

ad. 1992 No. 430

r 9A....................

ad 1992 No 430


am. 1994 No. 364; 1995 No. 208; 1998 No. 369; 1999 No. 62; 2002 Nos. 9 and 315; 2003 No.  257; F2019L01660; F2021L01474

r 9B....................

ad No 257, 2003


am No 102, 2011; F2018L00311; F2019L01660

Part 2B..................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301

r. 9P....................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301

r. 9Q....................

ad. 2000 No. 48


rep. 2003 No. 301

r. 9R....................

ad. 2000 No. 48


am. 2002 No. 9


rep. 2003 No. 301

r. 9S....................

ad. 2000 No. 48


am. 2002 No. 315


rep. 2003 No. 301

Part 2C


Part 2C..................

ad. 2002 No. 234

Division 2C.1


r 10....................

rs No 234, 2002


am No 213, 2015; F2018L00311

r 10AAA.................

ad F2017L00853


am F2017L01561

r 10AAB.................

ad F2017L00853


am F2017L01561; F2018L00865

r 10AAC.................

ad F2017L00853


am F2017L01561

r 10AAD.................

ad F2017L01561


am F2023L00769

r 10A (prev r 13)............

rep F2016L00109

r 10AA..................

ad No 214, 2015


am F2017L01561; F2018L00311; F2019L00396

r 10AB..................

ad F2016L00109

r 10AC..................

ad F2016L00109

r 10B (prev r 14)............

rs No 30, 2011

r 10C (prev r 14A)...........

am F2020L00946

r. 10D...................

ad. 2002 No. 234

Division 2C.2


r. 10E...................

ad. 2002 No. 234

r. 10F...................

ad. 2002 No. 234


am. 2009 No. 140


rs F2016L00109

r 10FA..................

ad F2016L00109

Division 2C.3


Division 2C.3..............

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 10G...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 10H...................

ad. 2011 No. 30


am. 2011 No. 281


rs F2016L00109

r 10HA..................

ad F2016L00109

r. 10I...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 10J...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

Part 2CA


Part 2CA.................

ad F2021L01390

Division 1


r 10JA...................

ad F2021L01390

Division 2


r 10JB...................

ad F2021L01390

Division 3


r 10JC...................

ad F2021L01390

Division 4


r 10JD...................

ad F2021L01390

r 10JE...................

ad F2021L01390

r 10JF

ad F2021L01390

Division 5


r 10JG...................

ad F2021L01390

r 10JH...................

ad F2021L01390

Part 2D


Part 2D..................

ad F2018L00311

r 10K...................

ad F2018L00311

r 10L...................

ad F2018L00311


am F2021L01032

Part 2E


Part 2E..................

ad F2020L00946

r 10M...................

ad F2020L00946

Part 2F


Part 2F..................

ad F2024L00839

r 10N...................

ad F2024L00839


am F2024L00839; F2024L01673

r 10P...................

ad F2024L00839

r 10Q...................

ad F2024L00839

Part 3


Part 3 heading.............

rs. 2011 No. 30

r 10A...................

ad No 252, 2001


renum No 234, 2002

r 11 (prev r 10A)............

am No 127, 2004; F2018L00311

r. 11....................

am. 1992 No. 89; 1994 No. 150


rep. 2002 No. 234

r 11A...................

ad 1994 No 150


rep 2002 No 234


ad 2011 No 30


am F2016L01614; F2023L00769

r. 12....................

am. 1991 No. 84; 1992 No. 89; 1995 No. 33; 1996 No. 9; 2000 No.  358; 2001 No. 343; 2002 Nos. 84, 234 and 345; 2003 No. 258; 2010 No. 26


rs. 2011 No. 30


am F2021L01032; F2023L01667

r 12A...................

ad 1991 No 485


am 1999 No 62; 2000 No 358; 2002 Nos 9 and 234; 2011 No 30; F2016L01652 (Sch 1 item 1 disallowed); F2017L00853; F2017L01561; F2022L00243

r. 12AAA................

ad. 2003 No. 111


rep. 2010 No. 266

r. 12AAB................

ad. 2003 No. 111


am. 2011 No. 30

r. 12AA..................

ad. 2000 No. 358


am. 2011 No. 30

r 12AB..................

ad No 358, 2000


am No 258, 2003; No 361, 2003; No 30, 2011; F2016L0109; F2019L01660

r 12AC..................

ad No 358, 2000


am No 361, 2003; F2019L01660; F2023L00769; F2023L01558; F2024L00686

r 12AD..................

ad No 358, 2000


am No 234, 2002; No 30, 2011; F2019L01660

r 12B...................

ad 1991 No 485


am No 19, 1992; No 62, 1999; No 358, 2000; No 258, 2003; No 361, 2003; No  30, 2011; F2017L00853; F2020L00946; F2020L01598; F2021L01474; F2021L01809; F2022L01687; F2023L00769; F2023L01558; F2023L01667

r 12BA..................

ad F2024L00839

r 12C...................

ad 2002 No 234


rep 2010 No 26


ad 2011 No 30


am F2017L00853

r 13....................

am No 19, 1992; No 9, 2002


reloc and renum No 234, 2002

r 14....................

am No 9, 2002; No 234, 2002


reloc and renum No 234, 2002

r 14A...................

ad No 430, 1992


reloc and renum No 234, 2002

r 14B...................

ad 1992 No 430


rep 2002 No 234

r 14C...................

ad 1992 No 430


rep 2002 No 234

r 15....................

am No 19, 1992; No 398, 1997; No 62, 1999; No 102, 2011; F2018L00311; F2020L00946

r 15AA..................

ad F2021L00450

r 15A...................

ad 2003 No 258


am 2010 No 26; 2011 No 102


rs 2012 No 251


am F2017L00853

r 16....................

am No 89, 1992; No 26, 2010


rep F2020L00946

r. 16AA..................

ad. 2003 No. 151


rs No 75, 2015

r 16AB..................

ad No 30, 2011


am F2018L00865; F2018L01434

Part 3A


Part 3A heading............

am. 1999 No. 62


rs. 2000 No. 29

Part 3A..................

ad. 1992 No. 19

Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad. 2000 No. 29


rs F2017L01561

r. 16A...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


am. 2011 No. 281

Division 1A


Division 1A heading.........

ad F2017L01561

r. 16B...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


rep F2017L01561

r. 16C...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


am. 1992 No. 109; 1998 No. 227; 1999 No. 62; F2016L00109


rs F2017L01561


am F2018L00311

r. 16D...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


am. 1992 No. 109; 1998 No. 227; 1999 No. 62; 2003 No. 151


rs F2017L01561

r 16DA..................

ad F2017L01561


am F2018L00865

r. 16E...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


am F2017L01561

r. 16F...................

ad. 1992 No. 19


am. 1998 No. 227; 1999 No. 62; 2003 No. 151; F2017L01561

r. 16G...................

ad. 1992 No. 109


am. 1998 No. 227; 1999 No. 62; F2017L01561

Division 2


Division 2................

ad. 2000 No. 29

r 16GA..................

ad No 29, 2000


am No 151, 2003; F2018L00311

Division 3


Division 3................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r 16GB..................

ad No 30, 2011


am No 281, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 16GC..................

ad No 30, 2011


am No 281, 2011


rs F2018L00311

r 16GD..................

ad No 30, 2011


am No 281, 2011


rs F2018L00311

r 16GE..................

ad No 30, 2011


am F2018L00311

r 16GF..................

ad No 30, 2011


am F2018L00311

Division 4


Division 4 heading..........

am F2018L01434

Division 4................

ad F2018L00311

r 16GG..................

ad F2018L00311


am F2019L00396

r 16GH..................

ad F2018L00311


am F2018L01434; F2019L00396

r 16GI...................

ad F2018L00311


am F2020L00946

r 16GIA.................

ad F2021L00450

r 16GJ...................

ad F2018L00311


am F2018L01434

Part 3B


Part 3B..................

ad 1997 No 399


rs F2017L00853

r 16H...................

ad 1997 No 399


am 1999 No 62


rs F2017L00853

r 16I....................

ad 1997 No 399


am 1999 No 62


rep F2017L00853

r 16J....................

ad 1997 No 399


am 1999 No 62; F2016L00109


rs F2017L00853


am F2018L00311

r 16K...................

ad F2017L00853

r 16L...................

ad F2017L00853

r 16M...................

ad F2017L00853


am F2019L01660

Part 3C


Part 3C..................

ad F2017L00853

r 16P...................

ad F2017L00853

r 16Q...................

ad F2017L00853

r 16R...................

ad F2017L00853


am F2018L00311

r 16S...................

ad F2017L00853


am F2018L00311

r 16T...................

ad F2017L00853


am F2018L00311

Part 3D


Part 3D..................

ad F2022L01300

r 16U...................

ad F2022L01300

r 16V...................

ad F2022L01300


am F2023L00769

r 16W...................

ad F2022L01300

r 16X...................

ad F2022L01300

r 16Y...................

ad F2022L01300

Part 4


r. 17....................

am. 1994 No. 150; 2002 No. 234

r. 18....................

am. 2002 No. 234

r. 22....................

am. 1992 Nos. 19 and 89

Part 5


r 23....................

am No 150, 1994; No 252, 2001; No 234, 2002; No 361, 2003; F2018L00311; F2019L01660; F2024L00686

r 24....................

am. 1991 No. 84; 2002 No. 234; 2004 No. 78

r 25....................

am No 150, 1994; No 252, 2001; No 234, 2002; F2016L00109; F2018L00311; F2019L01660

r 26....................

am No 150, 1994; No 252, 2001; F2019L01660

r 26A...................

ad No 252, 2001


am No 234, 2002; F2018L00311; F2019L01660

r 27....................

rs. 1994 No. 150


am. 2002 No. 234; F2019L01660

r 28....................

am No 234, 2002; F2019L01660

r 29....................

am No 150, 1994; No 364, 1994; No 252, 2001; No 234, 2002; F2019L01660

r 30....................

am No 234, 2002; No 361, 2003; F2019L01660

r 31....................

am No 252, 2001; No 234, 2002; F2018L00311

r. 32....................

am. 1994 No. 150; 2002 No. 9

r 33....................

am No 9, 2002


rs F2024L00686

Part 5A


Part 5A..................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 33A...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 33B...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 33C...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

Part 6


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2002 No. 234; 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

Division 1................

rs. 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 34....................

am. 1995 No. 208; 1999 No. 62; 2002 No. 234


rs. 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 34A...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2011 No. 30; 2012 No. 251; No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

r. 34B...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

Division 1A


Division 1A heading.........

rs F2016L01614

Division 1A...............

ad. 2009 No. 374

r 35....................

am. 1991 No. 485; 1999 No. 62


rs 2002 No 234; 2009 No 374; F2016L01614

r 35A...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2012 No 251; No 220, 2013; F2016L01614; F2024L00686

r 35B...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2011 No 102; F2016L01614

Division 1B


Division 1B...............

ad 2009 No 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 36....................

am. 1991 No. 485; 1999 No. 62; 2002 No. 234


rs. 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 36A...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2012 No. 251; No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

r. 36B...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2011 No. 102


rep F2016L01614

Division 1C


Division 1C...............

ad 2009 No 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 37....................

am. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2009 No. 374


rep F2016L01614

r. 37A...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2012 No. 251; No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

r. 37B...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2011 No. 102; No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

Division 1D


Division 1D...............

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 38....................

am. 1991 No. 485; 1997 No. 400; 2002 No. 234; 2009 No. 63


rs. 2009 No. 374

r 38A...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2012 No 251; F2016L01614

r 38B...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2011 Nos 102 and 281; No 220, 2013; F2016L01614

Division 1DA


Division 1DA..............

ad 2011 No 281


rep F2016L01614

r. 38C...................

ad. 2011 No. 281


rep F2016L01614

r. 38D...................

ad. 2011 No. 281


am. 2012 No. 251; No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

r. 38E...................

ad. 2011 No. 281


am No. 220, 2013


rep F2016L01614

r. 39....................

am. 1997 No. 400


rep. 2009 No. 374

Division 1E


Division 1E...............

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 39....................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r 39A...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2012 No 251; No 220, 2013; F2016L01614

r 39B...................

ad 2009 No 374


am 2011 No 102; F2016L01614

Division 1EA


Division 1EA..............

ad. 2011 No. 30

r. 39C...................

ad. 2011 No. 30

r 39D...................

ad 2011 No 30


am 2012 No 251; No 220, 2013; F2016L01614

r 39E...................

ad 2011 No 30


am F2016L01614

Division 1EB


Division 1EB heading........

rs F2016L01614

Division 1EB..............

ad 2012 No 251

r 39F...................

ad 2012 No 251


rs F2016L01614

r 39G...................

ad 2012 No 251


am No 220, 2013; F2016L01614

r 39H...................

ad 2012 No 251


am No 220, 2013; F2016L01614

Division 1F


Division 1F...............

ad. 2009 No. 374

r 40....................

am 1997 No 400


rs 2009 No 374


am 2009 No 374; 2011 Nos 30 and 281; 2012 No 251; F2016L01614

r. 41....................

am. 1991 No. 485; 1997 No. 400; 2002 No. 234


rs. 2009 No. 374

r. 41A...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41B...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41C...................

ad. 2009 No. 374


am. 2011 No. 102

r. 41D...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41E...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41F...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41G...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41H...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41I...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 41J...................

ad. 2009 No. 374

r. 42....................

am. 1997 No. 400


rs. 2009 No. 374


am. 2011 No. 102; 2012 No. 251; F2016L00109

Division 2................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42A...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42B...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 159, 2001; No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42C...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 234, 2002; No 111, 2003; No 258, 2003; No 122, 2006; No 102, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 42D...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 361, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42E...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 234, 2002; No 111, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42F...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42G...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42H...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42J....................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 48, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 315, 2002; No 258, 2003; No 361, 2003; No  122, 2006; No 63, 2009


rep F2018L00311

r 42K...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 234, 2002; No 111, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42L...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42M...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42N...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 102, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 42P...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42Q...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

Division 3 heading..........

rs No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

Division 3................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

Subdivision 1 heading........

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42R...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42S...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42T...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 48, 2000; No 234, 2002; No 102, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 42U...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 361, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42V...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42W...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42X...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 258, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42Y...................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 369, 1998; No 48, 2000; No 234, 2002; No 315, 2002; No 111, 2003; No 102, 2011


rs No 301, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42Z...................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZA..................

ad No 400, 1997


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZB..................

ad No 400, 1997


am No 102, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZC..................

ad No 400, 1997


rs No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

Subdivision 2..............

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAA................

ad No 48, 2000


am No 159, 2001; No 142, 2012


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAB................

ad No 48, 2000


am No 159, 2001; No 234, 2002; No 301, 2003; No 159, 2004


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAC................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAD................

ad No 48, 2000


am No 315, 2002; No 111, 2003


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAE................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAF................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAG................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAGA...............

ad No 122, 2006


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAH................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAI.................

ad No 48, 2000


am No 234, 2002; No 315, 2002; No 301, 2003; No 122, 2006; No 102, 2011


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAJ................

ad No 48, 2000


am No 142, 2012


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAK................

ad No 48, 2000


rep F2018L00311

r 42ZCAL................

ad No 315, 2002


rep F2018L00311

Division 3A


Division 3A...............

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3A.1


Subdivision 1..............
renumbered Subdivision 3A.1

2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCA.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3A.2


Subdivision 2..............
renumbered Subdivision 3A.2

2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCB.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r 42ZCC.................

ad No 209, 1999


rs No 129, 2010


am F2019L00109

r. 42ZCD.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCE.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCF.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCG.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCH.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCI.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCJ.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3A.3


Subdivision 3..............
renumbered Subdivision 3A.3

2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCK.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCL.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCM................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r 42ZCN.................

ad No 209, 1999


rs No 129, 2010


am F2019L00109

r. 42ZCO.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCP.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Division 3B


Division 3B...............

ad. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3B.1


r. 42ZCQ.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3B.2


r. 42ZCR.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r 42ZCS.................

ad No 209, 1999


rs No 129, 2010


am F2019L00109

r. 42ZCT.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCU.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCV.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCW................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCX.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCY.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZ.................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3B.3


r. 42ZCZA................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZB................

ad. 1999 No. 209


rs. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZC................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r 42ZCZD................

ad No 129, 2010


am F2019L00109

r. 42ZCZE................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZF................

ad. 2010 No. 129

Division 3C


Division 3C...............

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZG................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZH................

ad. 2010 No. 129

Division 3D


Division 3D...............

ad. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3D.1


r. 42ZCZI................

ad. 2010 No. 129


am F2017L01561

Subdivision 3D.2


r. 42ZCZJ................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZK................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZL................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZM...............

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZN................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZO................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZP................

ad. 2010 No. 129


am F2017L01561

r. 42ZCZQ................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZR................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZS................

ad. 2010 No. 129

Subdivision 3D.3


r. 42ZCZT................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZU................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZV................

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZW...............

ad. 2010 No. 129

r. 42ZCZX................

ad. 2010 No. 129

Division 4................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZD..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZE..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


am. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZF..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


am. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZG..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZH..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZI..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZJ..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZK..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZL..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZM.................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZN..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


am. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZO..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZP..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZQ..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


am. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZR..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZS..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZT..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZU..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZV..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZW.................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZX..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


am. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZY..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZ..................

ad. 1999 No. 62


rep. 2009 No. 374

Division 5................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZA.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZB.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZC.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZD.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZE.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZF.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZG.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZH.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZI.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZJ.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


am. 2003 No. 258


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZK.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZL.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZM................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZN.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZO.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZP.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZQ.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZR.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZS.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZT.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZU.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZV.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZW................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

r. 42ZZX.................

ad. 2000 No. 29


rep. 2009 No. 374

Part 7


Part 7 heading.............

rs. 1991 No. 84; 2009 No. 141

Division 1


Division 1................

ad. 2009 No. 141

Subdivision 1


Subdivision 1 heading........

rs. 2011 No. 30

r. 43AAA................

ad. 2009 No. 141


am. 2011 No. 281


rs No 75, 2015

Subdivision 2


Subdivision 2 heading........

rs F2016L00109

r 43AAAA................

ad F2016L00109

r. 43AAB................

ad. 2009 No. 141


rs. 2011 No. 30


rs No 75, 2015


am F2016L00109

r 43AABA................

ad No 75, 2015


rs F2016L00109

r 43AABB................

ad No 75, 2015

r. 43AAC................

ad. 2009 No. 141


am. 2011 No. 30


rs No 75, 2015


am F2016L00109

r. 43AAD................

ad. 2009 No. 141


rs No 75, 2015

r. 43AAE.................

ad. 2009 No. 141


am. 2011 No. 30; 2012 No. 142


rs No 75, 2015


am F2016L00109

r. 43AAF.................

ad. 2009 No. 141


am. 2012 No. 142


rs No 75, 2015

r. 43AAG................

ad. 2009 No. 141


am. 2011 No. 30


rs No 75, 2015

Subdivision 2A


Subdivision 2A.............

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGA................

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGB................

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGC................

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGD................

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGE................

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGF................

ad F2016L00109

Subdivision 2B


Subdivision 2B heading.......

ad F2016L00109

r 43AAGG................

ad F2016L00109


am F2021L00450

r. 43AAH................

ad. 2009 No. 141


rs No 75, 2015

r. 43AAI.................

ad. 2009 No. 141

Subdivision 3


r 43AAJ.................

ad 2009 No 141


am 2010 No 130; 2011 No 102; 2012 No 143; No 94, 2013; No 62, 2014; No 87, 2015; F2016L00667; F2017L00552; F2018L00759; F2019L00396; F2020L00720; F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2023L00770; F2024L00689

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

ad. 2009 No. 141

r 43....................

am No 151, 2003; No 30, 2011; No 214, 2015; F2018L00311

r 43A...................

ad No 222, 1994


am No 234, 2002; No 102, 2011; No 214, 2015; F2018L00311; F2018L01612; F2019L01260

r. 43AA..................

ad. 1992 No. 19


rs. 2011 No. 102


am No 214, 2015

r. 43AB..................

ad. 2000 No. 267


am No 214, 2015

r 43AC..................

ad No 214, 2015


am F2017L00552; F2018L00759; F2019L00396; F2020L00720; F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2023L00770; F2024L00689

r 43ACA.................

ad F2018L00311


am F2018L00759; F2019L00396; F2020L00720; F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2023L00770; F2024L00689

r 43AD..................

ad F2017L00853

r 43AE..................

ad F2018L00311

r 43AF..................

am F2019L00396

r 44AF..................

ad F2018L00311

r 45....................

am No 84, 1991; No 485, 1991; No 222, 1994; No 364, 1994; No 192, 1995; No 131, 1996; No 162, 1997; No 398, 1997; No 399, 1997; No  247, 1998; No 62, 1999; No 123, 2000; No 267, 2000; No 143, 2002; No 151, 2003; No 361, 2003; No 159, 2004; No  192, 2005; No 212, 2006; No 161, 2007; No 117, 2008; No 179, 2009; No  130, 2010; No 30, 2011; No 102, 2011; No 143, 2012; No 94, 2013; No 62, 2014; No 87, 2015; No 214, 2015; F2016L00667; F2017L00552; F2017L00853; F2018L00311; F2018L00759; F2018L01612; F2019L00396; F2019L01660; F2020L00720; F2020L01598; F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2023L00770; F2024L00686; F2024L00689

r 45AA..................

ad 1995 No. 192


am 2002 No. 234; 2011 No. 30; No 214, 2015; F2018L01434; F2020L00720

r. 45A...................

ad. 1991 No. 84


am. 1997 No. 162; 2000 No. 267; 2001 No. 160; 2002 No. 234; 2003 No.  151; 2004 No. 159; 2005 No. 192; 2006 No. 212; 2007 No. 161; 2008 No.  117


rs. 2009 No. 141


am No 179, 2009; No. 130, 2010; 2012 No. 143; No. 94, 2013; No 62, 2014


rep No 75, 2015

Part 7A..................

ad No 228, 2009


rep F2018L00311

r 45B...................

ad No 228, 2009


rep F2018L00311

Part 8


r 46AA..................

ad F2024L00686

r  46A...................

ad 1992 No 332


rs 2009 No 140


am No 26, 2010; F2016L00109; F2016L01614; F2017L00853; F2017L01561; F2023L00769

r 46B...................

ad F2024L00839

r. 46....................

am. 1991 No. 84; 1992 No. 332; 1997 No. 399; 1999 No. 62; 2002 No.  234; 2011 Nos. 30 and 102

r 47....................

rs No 485, 1991


am No 332, 1992; No 400, 1997; No 48, 2000; No 343, 2001; No 345, 2002; No  78, 2004; No 228, 2009; F2016L00109; F2018L00311

r 47A...................

ad 1991 No 485


am 2011 No 30; F2024L00839

r. 47AA..................

ad. 2000 No. 358


rep. 2003 No. 361


rs. 2002 No. 234; 2011 No. 30

r 47B...................

ad 1991 No 485


am 1999 No 62


rs 2000 No 358


am 2002 No 234; 2011 No 30; F2016L00109; F2017L00853

r 47C...................

ad F2024L00839

r 48....................

am No 84, 1991; No 332, 1992; No 430, 1992; No 192, 1995; No 399, 1997; No 48, 2000; No  234, 2002; No 301, 2003; No 30, 2011; No 75, 2015; F2016L00109; F2017L00853; F2018L00311; F2020L00946; F2022L00243; F2022L01300; F2023L00769; F2023L01667; F2024L00686; F2024L01299; F2024L01673

Part 9


Part 9...................

ad. 2012 No. 251

Division 1


Division 1................

ad No 63, 2014

r 48A...................

ad No 63, 2014

r 48B...................

ad No 63, 2014

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

ad No 63, 2014

r 49....................

ad 2012 No 251


am No 63, 2014; F2023L01558

Division 3


Division 3................

ad No 214, 2015

r 50....................

ad No 214, 2015

Division 4


Division 4................

ad F2016L00109

r 51....................

ad F2016L00109

Division 5


Division 5................

ad F2017L00853

r 52....................

ad F2017L00853

r 53....................

ad F2017L00853

r 54....................

ad F2017L00853

r 55....................

ad F2017L00853

r 56....................

ad F2017L00853

Division 6


Division 6................

ad F2017L01561

r 57....................

ad F2017L01561

r 58....................

ad F2017L01561

r 59....................

ad F2017L01561

Division 7


Division 7................

ad F2018L00311

r 60....................

ad F2018L00311

r 61....................

ad F2018L00311

r 62....................

ad F2018L00311

Division 8


Division 8................

ad F2018L00516

r 63....................

ad F2018L00516

Division 9


Division 9................

ad F2018L00865

r 64....................

ad F2018L00865


am F2018L01434

r 65....................

ad F2018L00865


ed C83

r 66....................

ad F2018L00865

Division 10


Division 10...............

ad F2018L01434

r 67....................

ad F2018L01434

Division 11


Division 11...............

ad F2019L01260

r 68....................

ad F2019L01260

Division 12


Division 12...............

ad F2019L01660

Subdivision A


r 69....................

ad F2019L01660

Subdivision B


r 70....................

ad F2019L01660


am F2020L00946

r 71....................

ad F2019L01660


am F2020L00946

Subdivision C


r 72....................

ad F2019L01660


am F2021L01474

Subdivision D


r 73....................

ad F2019L01660

Subdivision E


r 74....................

ad F2019L01660

Subdivision F


r 75....................

ad F2019L01660

Division 13


Division 13...............

ad F2020L00946

r 76....................

ad F2020L00946

r 77....................

ad F2020L00946

Division /span> 14...............

ad F2021L01032


rep F2023L01667

r 78....................

ad F2021L01032


rep F2023L01667

Division 15


Division 15...............

ad F2021L01390

r 79....................

ad F2021L01390

Division 16


Division 16...............

ad F2021L01474

r 80....................

ad F2021L01474


rep F2023L01667

r 81....................

ad F2021L01474

r 82....................

ad F2021L01474

r 83....................

ad F2021L01474

Division 17


Division 17...............

ad F2021L01809

r 84....................

ad F2021L01809

r 85....................

ad F2021L01809

Division 18


Division 18...............

ad F2022L00243

r 86....................

ad F2022L00243

Division 19


Division 19...............

ad F2022L00243

r 87....................

ad F2022L00243

Division 20


Division 20...............

ad F2022L01687

r 88....................

ad F2022L01687

r 89....................

ad F2022L01687

Division 21


Division 21...............

ad F2023L00769

r 90....................

ad F2023L00769

Division 22


Division 22...............

ad F2023L01558

r 91....................

ad F2023L01558

r 92....................

ad F2023L01558

Division 23


Division 23...............

ad F2023L01667

r 93....................

ad F2023L01667

r 94....................

ad F2023L01667

r 95....................

ad F2023L01667

r 96....................

ad F2023L01667


am F2024L00839

r 97....................

ad F2023L01667


(3) exp 1 Dec 2024 (r 97(4))

Division 24


Division 24...............

ad F2024L00260

r 98....................

ad F2024L00260

Division 25


Division 25...............

ad F2024L00686

r 99....................

ad F2024L00686

r 100....................

ad F2024L00686

r 101....................

ad F2024L00686

r 102....................

ad F2024L00686

r 103....................

ad F2024L00686

Division 26


Division 26...............

ad F2024L00839

r 104....................

ad F2024L00839

r 105....................

ad F2024L00839

r 106....................

ad F2024L00839

r 107....................

ad F2024L00839

r 108....................

ad F2024L00839


(2) exp end of 31 Dec 2024 (r 108(3))

Division 27


Division 27...............

ad F2024L01673

r 109....................

ad F2024L01673

r 110....................

ad F2024L01673

r 111....................

ad F2024L01673

Schedule 1


Schedule 1................

am 1992 No 89; 1992 No 332; 1994 No 150; 1994 No 364; 1995 No 208; 1997 No 398; 1999 No 324; 2001 No  159; 2003 No 258; 2006 No 122; 2012 No 142

Schedule 2


Schedule 2 heading..........

rs 2003 No 301

Schedule 2................

am 1994 No 150; 1995 No 208; 1997 No 398; 1999 No 324; 2000 No 48; 2001 No 159; 2001 No 252; 2002 No  234; 2006 No 122; F2016L01614; F2018L01434; F2021L01809

Schedule 3


Schedule 3 heading..........

rs F2018L00311

Schedule 3................

am 1991 No 84; 1991 No 485; 1992 No 19; 1992 No 89; 1992 No 370; 1994 No 150; 1994 No 364; 1995 No 208; 1997 No 398; 1997 No 399; 1999 No 62; 2002 No 84; 2002 No 114; 2002 No 143; 2002 No 234; 2002 No 315; 2004 No  78; 2010 No 26; No 213, 2015; F2018L01434; F2020L00946; F2023L01667

Schedule 4


Schedule 4 heading..........

am 1998 No 227


rs 2002 No 234

Schedule 4................

am No 84, 1991; No 19, 1992; No 89, 1992; No 150, 1994; No 208, 1995; No 320, 1995; No 9, 1996; No 208, 1996; No 398, 1997; No 227, 1998; No 369, 1998; No 62, 1999; No 324, 1999; No  48, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 252, 2001; No 84, 2002; No 114, 2002; No 234, 2002; No 315, 2002; No 258, 2003; No 361, 2003; No 78, 2004; No 127, 2004; No  26, 2010; No 30, 2011; No 281, 2011; No 251, 2012; No 213, 2015; F2018L00311; F2018L00865; F2018L01434; F2019L00396; F2020L00946; F2020L01598; F2023L01558; F2023L01667; F2024L00686

Schedule 5


Schedule 5 heading..........

am. 2002 No. 234


rs. 2011 No. 30

Schedule 5................

am. 1991 Nos. 84 and 485; 1992 Nos. 19, 89, 332 and 370; 1994 No. 150; 1995 No. 208; 1996 No. 9; 1997 Nos. 398 and 399; 1999 No.  62; 2000 Nos. 48 and 124; 2001 No. 159; 2002 No. 84; 2003 No. 258; 2010 No. 26; 2011 No.  30; 2012 No. 251; F2016L01652 (Sch 1 item 4 disallowed)


ed C76


am F2017L01561; F2018L00865; F2018L01434; F2018L01612


ed C85


am F2019L01660; F2021L01032; F2021L01474; F2022L00243; F2022L01687; F2023L01558; F2023L01667; F2024L00686; F2024L00839

Schedule 5A


Schedule 5A heading.........

am No 234, 2002


rs No 30, 2011; No 251, 2012

Schedule 5A..............

ad No 84, 1991


am No 89, 1992; No 150, 1994; No 364, 1994; No 33, 1995; No 208, 1995; No  9, 1996; No 399, 1997; No 62, 1999; No 358, 2000; No 159, 2001; No  343, 2001; No 84, 2002; No 345, 2002; No 111, 2003; No 78, 2004; No  26, 2010; No 30, 2011; No 214, 2015; F2016L01652; F2017L00853; F2017L01561; F2018L00311; F2018L00516; F2018L00865; F2019L01660; F2020L00720; F2020L00946; F2021L01474; F2021L01809; F2023L00769; F2023L01558; F2023L01667; F2024L00260; F2024L00686; Act No 50, 2024; F2024L00839; F2024L01673

Schedule 5B


Schedule 5B heading.........

rs. 2011 No. 30

Schedule 5B...............

ad 2003 No 111


am 2010 No 266; 2011 No 30; F2017L00853

Schedule 6


Schedule 6................

am No 19, 1992; No 89, 1992; No 370, 1992; No 150; 1994; No 208, 1995; No 398, 1997; No 324, 1999; No  26, 2010


rep F2020L00946

Schedule 7


Schedule 7 heading..........

am No 234, 2002

Schedule 7................

am No 84, 1991; No 19, 1992; No 89, 1992; No 370, 1992; No 150, 1994; No 208, 1995; No 398, 1997; No 227, 1998; No 324, 1999; No 124, 2000; No 159, 2001; No 26, 2010; No 251, 2012; F2018L00865; F2019L01660; F2020L00544; F2020L00946; F2023L01558; F2024L00839

Schedule 8


Schedule 8 heading..........

am. 2002 No. 234

Schedule 8................

am No 89, 1992; No 150, 1994; No 398, 1997; No 62, 1999; No 30, 2011; F2016L01652; F2017L01561; F2018L00865; F2020L00946

Schedule 9


Schedule 9 heading..........

rs 2011 No 30

Schedule 9................

am No 84, 1991; No 485, 1991; No 19, 1992, No 89, 1992; No 141, 1993; No 150, 1994; No 222, 1994; No 364, 1994; No 192, 1995; No 208, 1995; No 131, 1996; No 162, 1997; No 398, 1997; No 400, 1997; No 247, 1998; No 62, 1999; No 324, 1999; No 29, 2000; No 70, 2000; No 123, 2000; No 267, 2000; No 160; 2001; No 143, 2002; No 234, 2002; No 151, 2003; No 159, 2004; No 192, 2005; No 212, 2006; No 161, 2007; No 117, 2008; No 141, 2009; No 179, 2009; No 26, 2010; No 130, 2010; No 102, 2011; No 281, 2011; No 143, 2012; No 251, 2012; No 94, 2013; No 62, 2014; No 75, 2015; No 87, 2015; No 213, 2015; No 214, 2015; F2016L00109; F2016L00667; F2016L01614; F2017L00552; F2017L00853


ed C77


am F2017L01561; F2018L00311; F2018L00759; F2018L00865; F2018L01434; F2018L01612; F2019L00396


ed C88


am F2020L00720; F2020L00946; F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2022L01687; F2023L00770; F2023L01558; F2024L00689

Schedule 9A


Schedule 9A..............

ad No 30, 2011


am No 143, 2012; No 94, 2013; No 62, 2014; No 75, 2015; No 87, 2015; F2016L00109; F2016L00667; F2017L00552; F2017L00853; F2018L00311; F2018L00759; F2019L00396; F2020L00720


ed C94


am F2021L00688; F2022L00600; F2022L01300; F2023L00769; F2023L00770; F2024L00689

Schedule 10


Schedule 10 heading.........

rs. 1992 Nos. 332 and 370


am. 1995 No. 208


rs F2016L00109

Schedule 10...............

ad. 1992 No. 19


am. 1992 No. 89; 1994 No. 150; 1995 No. 208


rs. 1998 No. 227


am No 62, 1999; No 29, 2000; No 78, 2004; No 26, 2010; No 102, 2011; F2016L00109; F2017L01561; F2020L00946

Schedule 11...............

ad. 1992 No. 89


am. 1999 No. 324; 2002 No. 84


rep. 2010 No. 26

Schedule 12


Schedule 12...............

ad. 1992 No. 430


am. 1995 No. 208; 2001 No. 159; 2003 No. 151; 2011 No. 102


rs F2019L01660

Schedule 13


Schedule 13...............

ad. 1995 No. 208


am. 2001 No. 159; 2003 No. 151; 2011 No. 102


rs F2019L01660

Schedule 14


Schedule 14 heading.........

am. 1999 No. 62


rs. 2011 No. 102

Schedule 14...............

ad. 1997 No. 400


rs. 1998 No. 227


am F2018L00865

Schedule 15...............

ad. 2009 No. 228


am F2016L00109


rep F2018L00311

Schedule 16


Schedule 16...............

ad No 30, 2011


rs F2018L00865


am F2019L01660


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