(1) Regardless of whether the ATSB accepts a report, the ATSB must:
(a) decide what information in the report is to be included in a database maintained for the REPCON scheme, and include that information i n the database ; and
(b) decide whether to disclose a ny information from the report in accordance wit h the Act and this regulation , and act accordingly; and
(c) if the ATSB does not believe that the report includes false or misleading information-- as soon as practicable:
(i) for the part of the report given by the perso n taken to have made the report-- destroy the part, or return it to the person ; and
(ii) if a part of the report was gi ven by another person-- destr oy the part, or return it to that other person.
Note 1: F or rules relating to disclosure of i nformation contained in reports--see Parts 5 and 6.
Note 2: For reports that may include false or mislead in g information-- see section 1 5 .
Including res tricted information in database
(2) For paragraph ( 1) (a), the ATSB may include restricted information that contains personal information in a database maintained for the REPCON scheme only if:
(a) the removal of the restricted information from the report would adversely affect the quality of the information to be included in the database ; or
(b) the ATSB believe s that it is necessary to keep in contact with the person who made the report, or a person or organisation mentioned in the report, an d the restricted information is necessary for that purpose.
(3) The ATSB must remove restricted information that contains personal information from the database if:
(a) the restricted information wa s included in a database for the purpose mentioned in paragraph ( 2) (b); and
(b) the ATSB is satisfied that it is no longer necessary to keep the restricted information for that purpose .