In performing his or her functions and exercising his or her powers, the Commissioner must have regard to the following:
(a) the maintenance, protection and enhancement of public trust and confidence in the not-for-profit sector;
(b) the need for transparency and accountability of the not-for-profit sector to the public (including donors, members and volunteers of registered entities) by ensuring the public has access to information about not-for-profit entities;
(c) the benefits gained from providing information to the public about not-for-profit entities;
(d) the maintenance and promotion of the effectiveness and sustainability of the not-for-profit sector;
(e) the following principles:
(i) the principle of regulatory necessity;
(ii) the principle of reflecting risk;
(iii) the principle of proportionate regulation;
(f) the need for the Commissioner:
(i) to cooperate with other Australian government agencies; and
(ii) to administer effectively the laws that confer functions and powers on the Commissioner;
(including in order to minimise procedural requirements and procedural duplication);
(g) the benefits gained from assisting registered entities in complying with and understanding this Act, by providing them with guidance and education;
(h) the unique nature and diversity of not-for-profit entities and the distinctive role that they play in Australia .