The following provisions are subject to monitoring under this Division:
(a) a provision of this Act that creates an offence;
(b) a provision of a legislative instrument made under this Act that creates an offence;
(c) a provision of the Crimes Act 1914 or the Criminal Code that creates an offence, to the extent that the offence relates to this Act or a legislative instrument made under this Act;
(d) a provision of this Act, if non-compliance with the provision gives rise to an administrative penalty;
(e) a provision of a legislative instrument made under this Act, if non-compliance with the provision gives rise to an administrative penalty;
(f) a provision of this Act creating a condition, if:
(i) compliance with the condition is necessary for an entity to be entitled to registration as a type or subtype of entity; or
(ii) non-compliance with the condition may lead to an entity having its registration as a type or subtype of entity revoked.
Note: These conditions are contained in sections 25-5 (Entitlement to registration) and 35-10 (Revoking registration).