No. 116, 2020
Part 1--Preliminary 2
Division 1--Preliminary matters 2
1............ Short title............................................................................................. 2
2............ Commencement................................................................................... 2
3............ Simplified outline of this Act.............................................................. 3
4............ Definitions.......................................................................................... 5
Division 2--Core provisions of this Act 8
5............ Object of this Act................................................................................ 8
6............ Foreign arrangements.......................................................................... 8
7............ What are State/Territory entities?......................................................... 8
8............ What are foreign entities?.................................................................... 9
9............ What is an arrangement?................................................................... 11
10.......... Core foreign arrangements................................................................ 11
11.......... Application of this Act to subsidiary arrangements........................... 12
12.......... What is a subsidiary arrangement?.................................................... 12
13.......... Application of this Act to variations of arrangements....................... 13
Part 2--Negotiating and entering core foreign arrangements 15
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Part 15
14.......... Simplified outline of this Part............................................................ 15
Division 2--Negotiating core foreign arrangements 17
15.......... Prohibition on negotiations without the Minister's approval............. 17
16.......... Requirement to notify the Minister about negotiations...................... 17
17.......... The Minister's decision about negotiations....................................... 17
18.......... Notices relating to the Minister's approval under subsection 17(2).. 19
19.......... When the Minister's approval under subsection 17(2) is in force..... 19
20.......... Notice of the Minister's refusal under subsection 17(3)................... 20
21.......... When the Minister is taken to have given approval for negotiations. 20
Division 3--Entering core foreign arrangements 21
22.......... Prohibition on entering core foreign arrangements............................ 21
23.......... Requirement to notify the Minister before entering core foreign arrangements 21
24.......... The Minister's decision about proposals to enter core foreign arrangements 22
25.......... Notices relating to the Minister's approval under subsection 24(2).. 23
26.......... When the Minister's approval under subsection 24(2) is in force..... 24
27.......... Notice of the Minister's refusal under subsection 24(3)................... 24
28.......... When the Minister is taken to have given approval for proposals to enter core foreign arrangements 25
29.......... Requirement to notify the Minister about entering core foreign arrangements 25
Division 4--Consequences of unlawfully entering core foreign arrangements 27
Subdivision A--Effect on legally binding arrangements 27
30.......... Arrangements that purport to be legally binding under Australian law 27
31.......... Arrangements that are legally binding under foreign law.................. 28
Subdivision B--Effect on non-legally binding arrangements 29
32.......... Arrangements that are not legally binding......................................... 29
Part 3--Entering non-core foreign arrangements 30
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Part 30
33.......... Simplified outline of this Part............................................................ 30
Division 2--Entering non-core foreign arrangements 31
Subdivision A--Requirement to notify the Minister about proposals to enter non-core foreign arrangements 31
34.......... Requirement to notify the Minister about proposals to enter non-core foreign arrangements 31
Subdivision B--Declarations about negotiations or proposals to enter non-core foreign arrangements 32
35.......... Declarations about negotiating non-core foreign arrangements......... 32
36.......... Declarations about proposals to enter non-core foreign arrangements 33
Subdivision C--Matters relating to declarations under this Part 34
37.......... Matters relating to declarations under this Part.................................. 34
Subdivision D--Requirement to notify the Minister about entering non-core foreign arrangements 35
38.......... Requirement to notify the Minister about entering non-core foreign arrangements 35
Part 4--The Minister's powers to make declarations about foreign arrangements, and subsidiary arrangements, that are in operation 36
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Part 36
39.......... Simplified outline of this Part............................................................ 36
Division 2--The Minister's power to make declarations about foreign arrangements that are in operation 39
Subdivision A--When the Minister may make declarations about foreign arrangements 39
40.......... When the Minister may make declarations under this Division......... 39
Subdivision B--Declarations about legally binding foreign arrangements 40
41.......... Foreign arrangements that are legally binding under Australian law. 40
42.......... Foreign arrangements that are legally binding under foreign law...... 43
Subdivision C--Declarations about non-legally binding foreign arrangements 45
43.......... Foreign arrangements that are not legally binding............................. 45
Subdivision D--Matters relating to declarations under this Division 48
44.......... Matters relating to declarations about foreign arrangements.............. 48
Division 3--The Minister's power to make declarations about subsidiary arrangements that are in operation 50
Subdivision A--When the Minister may make declarations about subsidiary arrangements 50
45.......... When the Minister may make declarations under this Division......... 50
Subdivision B--Declarations about legally binding subsidiary arrangements 51
46.......... Subsidiary arrangements that are legally binding under Australian law 51
47.......... Subsidiary arrangements that are legally binding under foreign law. 53
Subdivision C--Declarations about non-legally binding subsidiary arrangements 55
48.......... Subsidiary arrangements that are not legally binding........................ 55
Subdivision D--Matters relating to declarations under this Division 58
49.......... Matters relating to declarations about subsidiary arrangements......... 58
Part 5--Other matters 60
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Part 60
50.......... Simplified outline of this Part............................................................ 60
Division 2--Matters that the Minister must take into account when making declarations under this Act 61
51.......... Matters that the Minister must take into account............................... 61
Division 3--Enforcement 63
52.......... Injunctions........................................................................................ 63
Division 4--The Public Register 65
53.......... The Minister must keep a public register........................................... 65
Division 4A--Annual report 67
53A....... Annual report.................................................................................... 67
Division 5--The rules 68
54.......... The rules........................................................................................... 68
Division 6--The Australian National University 69
55.......... Application of this Act to the Australian National University........... 69
Division 7--Other matters 70
56.......... Delegation by the Minister................................................................ 70
57.......... Compensation for acquisition of property......................................... 70
58.......... Requirements in relation to procedural fairness................................. 71
59.......... Extraterritorial application and extension to external Territories........ 71
60.......... Crown to be bound........................................................................... 71
61.......... Concurrent operation with State and Territory laws.......................... 71
62.......... Approved forms................................................................................ 71
63.......... Approved ways of giving notices to the Minister............................. 71
63A....... Review of operation of Act............................................................... 71
64.......... Schedule 1......................................................................................... 72
Schedule 1--Transitional requirements relating to pre-existing foreign arrangements 73
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Schedule 73
1............ Simplified outline of this Schedule.................................................... 73
Division 2--Requirement to notify the Minister about pre-existing foreign arrangements 74
2............ Requirement to notify the Minister about pre-existing foreign arrangements that are core foreign arrangements 74
3............ Requirement to notify the Minister about pre-existing foreign arrangements that are non-core foreign arrangements.......................................................................................................... 75
Division 3--Consequences for failing to notify the Minister about pre-existing foreign arrangements that are core foreign arrangements 77
Subdivision A--Pre-existing foreign arrangements that are legally binding 77
4............ Arrangements that are legally binding under Australian law............. 77
5............ Arrangements that are legally binding under foreign law.................. 78
Subdivision B--Pre-existing foreign arrangements that are not legally binding 79
6............ Arrangements that are not legally binding......................................... 79
Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020
No. 116, 2020
An Act to protect and manage Australia's foreign relations, and for related purposes
[Assented to 10 December 2020]
The Parliament of Australia enacts:
[Minister's second reading speech made in--
House of Representatives on 3 September 2020
Senate on 12 November 2020]
(119/20) |