Commonwealth Numbered Acts

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Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983 No. 144 of 1983 - SECT 45

45. Sections 60 and 61 of the Principal Act are repealed and the following
sections are substituted: Writs for election of Senators

''60. (1) A writ for the election of Senators shall be addressed to the
Australian Electoral Officer for the State or Territory for which the election
is to be held.

''(2) Where a writ for an election of Senators is received by the Australian
Electoral Officer for a State or Territory under sub-section (1), he shall-

   (a)  endorse on the writ the date of its receipt;

   (b)  advertise receipt of, and particulars of, the writ in not less than 2
        newspapers circulating generally in the State or Territory;

   (c)  take such steps as he considers appropriate to advise each Divisional
        Returning Officer in the State or Territory of the dates fixed by the
        writ; and

   (d)  give such directions as he considers appropriate to each Divisional
        Returning Officer in relation to the holding of the election.
Writs for election of Members of House of Representatives

''61. (1) A writ for the election of a Member of the House of Representatives
or for a general election for the House of Representatives shall be addressed
to the Electoral Commissioner.

''(2) Only 8 writs shall be issued for each general election, namely-

   (a)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from New South Wales;

   (b)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from Victoria;

   (c)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from Queensland;

   (d)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from South Australia;

   (e)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from Western

   (f)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from Tasmania;

   (g)  a writ that relates to the members to be elected from the Australian
        Capital Territory; and

   (h)  a writ that relates to the member to be elected from the Northern

''(3) The 8 writs issued for a general election shall be issued on the same

''(4) Where a writ for an election to be held in a Division, or each Division,
in a State or Territory is received by the Electoral Commissioner under
sub-section (1), he shall-

   (a)  endorse on the writ the date of its receipt;

   (b)  advertise receipt of, and particulars of, the writ in not less than 2
        newspapers circulating generally in the State or Territory, as the
        case requires;

   (c)  take such steps as he considers appropriate to advise the Divisional
        Returning Officer or each Divisional Returning Officer, as the case
        requires, of the particulars of the writ, including the dates fixed by
        the writ; and

   (d)  give such directions as he considers appropriate to the Divisional
        Returning Officer or each Divisional Returning Officer, as the case
        requires, in relation to the holding of the election.

''(5) Where a writ for an election to be held in a Division or Divisions is
received by the Electoral Commissioner under sub-section (1), he may, where he
considers it appropriate, advertise receipt of, and particulars of, the writ,
in a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the Division or in some or all of
the Divisions, as the case requires. Date for close of Rolls

''61A. The date fixed for the close of the Rolls shall be 7 days after the
date of the writ.''. 

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