reserves Overview of process
- (1)
- Before the Director gives the Minister a
management plan for a Commonwealth reserve for approval:
- (a)
- the Director must publish under subsection (2) an invitation to comment on
the proposal to prepare a draft of the plan; and
- (b)
- the Director and the Board (if any) for the reserve must prepare a draft
of the plan, taking into account any comments received in response to the
invitation; and
- (c)
- the Director must publish under subsection (5) an invitation to comment on
the draft; and
- (d)
- the Director must make publicly available copies of the draft free or for
a reasonable fee determined by the Director; and
- (e)
- the Director and the Board (if any) must consider any comments received in
response to the invitation to comment on the draft and may alter the draft.
Notice inviting comments on proposal to prepare draft
- (2)
- The Director must
publish a notice in the Gazette , in a daily newspaper circulating in each
State and self-governing Territory and in accordance with the regulations (if
- (a)
- stating that the Director proposes to prepare a draft of a management plan
for the Commonwealth reserve; and
- (b)
- inviting comments on the proposal from:
- (i)
- members of the public; and
- (ii)
- the Chair or Chairperson of any land council for indigenous people's land
in the reserve; and
- (iii)
- if the reserve is in a State or self-governing Territorythe agency
(if any) of the State or Territory that is responsible for managing national
parks established in the State or Territory under a law of the State or
Territory; and
- (iv)
- if the Minister has established under Division 4 of Part 19 an advisory
committee with functions relating to the reservethe committee; and
- (v)
- if the Director holds any land or seabed in the reserve under
leaseanyone the Director is obliged under the lease to consult about
management of the land or seabed; and
- (c)
- specifying the address to which comments may be sent; and
- (d)
- specifying a day (at least 30 days after the last day on which the notice
is published in the Gazette or in accordance with the regulations (if any)) by
which comments must be sent.
Considerations in preparing a management plan
- (3)
- In preparing a management
plan for a Commonwealth reserve, the Director and the Board (if any) for the
reserve must take account of:
- (a)
- any report considered by the Minister under section 351 before a
Proclamation declaring the reserve was made; and
- (b)
- the regulation of the use of the reserve for the purpose for which it was
declared; and
- (c)
- the interests of:
- (i)
- any owner of any land or seabed in the reserve; and
- (ii)
- the traditional owners of any indigenous people's land in the reserve;
- (iii)
- any other indigenous persons interested in the reserve; and
- (iv)
- any person who has a usage right relating to land, sea or seabed in the
reserve that existed (or is derived from a usage right that existed)
immediately before the reserve was declared; and
- (d)
- the protection of the special features of the reserve, including objects
and sites of biological, historical, palaeontological, archaeological,
geological and geographical interest; and
- (e)
- the protection, conservation and management of biodiversity and heritage
within the reserve; and
- (f)
- the protection of the reserve against damage; and
- (g)
- Australia's obligations under agreements between Australia and one or more
other countries relevant to the protection and conservation of biodiversity
and heritage.
Who are the traditional owners of indigenous people's land?
- (4)
- The
traditional owners of indigenous people's land are:
- (a)
- a local descent group of indigenous persons who:
- (i)
- have common spiritual affiliations to a site on the land under a primary
spiritual responsibility for that site and for the land; and
- (ii)
- are entitled by indigenous tradition to forage as of right over the land;
- (b)
- if the land is in the Jervis Bay Territorythe members of the Wreck
Bay Aboriginal Community Council.
Notice inviting comment on draft
- (5)
- The Director must publish a notice in
the Gazette , in a daily newspaper circulating in each State and
self-governing Territory and in accordance with the regulations (if any):
- (a)
- stating that the Director has prepared a draft of a management plan for
the Commonwealth reserve; and
- (b)
- stating how the draft can be obtained; and
- (c)
- inviting comments on the draft from:
- (i)
- members of the public; and
- (ii)
- the Chair or Chairperson of any land council for any indigenous people's
land in the reserve; and
- (iii)
- if the reserve is in a State or self-governing Territorythe agency
(if any) of the State or Territory that is responsible for managing national
parks established in the State or Territory under a law of the State or
Territory; and
- (iv)
- if the Minister has established under Division 4 of Part 19 an advisory
committee with functions relating to the reservethe committee; and
- (v)
- if the Director holds any land or seabed in the reserve under
leaseanyone the Director is obliged under the lease to consult about
management of the land or seabed; and
- (d)
- specifying the address to which comments may be sent; and
- (e)
- specifying a day (at least 30 days after the last day on which the notice
is published in the Gazette or in accordance with the regulations (if any)) by
which comments must be sent.