"acquisition of property" has the meaning given by subsection 519(2).
"action" has the meaning given by Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part 23.
"agency" of a State or self-governing Territory means:
"animal" means any member, alive or dead, of the animal kingdom (other than a human being).
"Apia Convention" means the Convention on Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific, done at Apia, Western Samoa, on 12 June 1976, as in force for Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
"Australian aircraft" has the meaning given by subsection 5(5).
Australian Biosphere reserve management principles has the meaning given by
section 340.
"Australian IUCN reserve management principles" has the meaning given by
subsection 348(1).
"Australian jurisdiction" has the meaning given by subsection 5(5).
"Australian platform" has the meaning given by section 403.
"Australian Ramsar management principles" has the meaning given by
section 335.
"Australian vessel" has the meaning given by subsection 5(5).
"Australian World Heritage management principles" has the meaning given by
section 323.
"bilateral agreement" has the meaning given by subsection 45(2).
"bilaterally accredited management plan" has the meaning given by
subsection 46(2).
"biodiversity" means the variability among living organisms from all sources
(including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological
complexes of which they are part) and includes:
"Biosphere reserve "has the meaning given by section 337.
"Board" means a Board established under section 377.
"Bonn Convention" means the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory
Species of Wild Animals done at Bonn on 23 June 1979, as in force for
Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
"CITES" means the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora done at Washington on 3 March 1973, as in force for
Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
coastal sea of Australia or an external Territory has the same meaning as in
subsection 15B(4) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .
coastal waters of a State or the Northern Territory has the meaning given by
section 227.
"commissioner" means a person holding an appointment under paragraph
"Commonwealth area" has the meaning given by section 525.
"Commonwealth land" has the meaning given by section 27.
"Commonwealth marine area" has the meaning given by section 24.
"Commonwealth reserve" means a reserve declared under Division 4 of Part 15.
"Commonwealth ship" has the meaning given by section 403.
"components of biodiversity" has the meaning given by subsection 171(3).
"conservation agreement" means an agreement made under section 305.
"conservation dependent": a native species may be included in the
conservation dependent category of the list of threatened native species in
accordance with Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part 13.
"conservation dependent species" means a listed threatened species that is
included in the conservation dependent category of the list referred to in
section 178.
"conservation order" means an order made under section 464 (with variations
(if any) under section 466 or 469).
"conservation zone" means a Commonwealth area that is declared to be a
conservation zone under Division 5 of Part 15.
"constitutional corporation" means a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of
the Constitution applies.
"continental shelf" means the continental shelf (as defined in the
Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 ) of Australia (including its external
"continuation" of a use of land, sea or seabed has the meaning given by
subsection 523(2).
"controlled action" has the meaning given by section 67.
"controlling provision" has the meaning given by section 67.
"convict" a person of an offence has a meaning affected by section 527.
"critical habitat" for a listed threatened species or a listed
threatened ecological community has the meaning given by subsection 207A(4).
"daily newspaper" means a newspaper that is ordinarily published on each day
that is a business day in the place where the newspaper is published, whether
or not the newspaper is ordinarily published on other days.
"declared Ramsar wetland" has the meaning given by section 17.
"declared World Heritage property" has the meaning given by section 13.
"designated proponent" of an action means the person designated under Division
2 of Part 7 as the proponent of the action.
"directed environmental audit" has the meaning given by subsection 460(4).
"Director" means the Director of National Parks referred to in section 514A.
"ecological character" has the meaning given by subsection 16(3).
"ecological community" means an assemblage of native species that:
"ecosystem" means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism
communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.
"eligible seizable item" means anything that would present a danger to a
person or that could be used to assist a person to escape from lawful custody.
"evidential material" has the meaning given by subsection 406(2).
"exclusive economic zone" means the exclusive economic zone (as defined in the
Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 ) of Australia (including its external
"executing officer", for a warrant, means the person named in the warrant as
being responsible for executing the warrant.
"executive officer" of a body corporate has the meaning given by section 493.
"extinct": a native species may be included in the extinct category of the
list of threatened native species in accordance with Subdivision A of Division
1 of Part 13.
"extinct in the wild": a native species may be included in the
extinct in the wild category of the list of threatened native species in
accordance with Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part 13.
"Federal Court" means the Federal Court of Australia.
"foreign whaling vessel "has the meaning given by subsection 236(5).
"forestry operations" has the meaning given by subsection 40(2).
"frisk search" has the meaning given by subsection 413(3).
"genetic resources" means any material of plant, animal, microbial or other
origin that contains functional units of heredity and that has actual or
potential value for humanity.
"goods" has the meaning given by section 443.
"habitat" means the biophysical medium or media:
"indigenous people's land" has the meaning given by subsection 363(3).
"indigenous person" has the meaning given by subsection 363(4).
"indigenous tradition" has the meaning given by section 201.
"interfere "with a cetacean has the meaning given by subsection 229B(4).
"IUCN category" has the meaning given by subsection 346(1).
"JAMBA" means the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government
of Australia for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds in Danger of
Extinction and their Environment done at Tokyo on 6 February 1974, as in force
for Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
"Kakadu National Park" has the meaning given by subsection 387(3).
"Kakadu region" has the meaning given by subsection 386(1).
keep a cetacean or member of a listed threatened species, listed
migratory species, listed marine species or listed threatened ecological
community means:
"land" has the meaning given by subsection 345(2).
"land council" for indigenous people's land has the meaning given by
subsection 363(2).
"large-scale disposal facility" for radioactive waste has a meaning affected
by subsection 22(2).
"list" includes a list containing no items.
"listed marine species "means a marine species included in the list referred
to in section 248.
"listed migratory species" means a migratory species included in the list
referred to in section 209.
"listed threatened ecological community" means an ecological community
included in the list referred to in section 181.
"listed threatened species" means a native species included in the list
referred to in section 178.
"magistrate" means a magistrate who is remunerated by salary or otherwise.
"master" of a foreign whaling vessel has the meaning given by
subsection 236(5).
"matter protected" by a provision of Part 3 has the meaning given by
section 34.
"member "of a listed threatened species, listed migratory species,
listed marine species or listed threatened ecological community, includes, in
the case of a species of animal or community of animals, the whole or part of
the dead body of the member.
"mineral" has the meaning given by subsection 355(3).
"mining operations" has the meaning given by subsection 355(2).
"monitoring power" relating to premises has the meaning given by section 407.
"monitoring warrant" has the meaning given by section 409.
"native species" means a species:
"nuclear action" has the meaning given by subsection 22(1).
"nuclear installation" has the meaning given by subsection 22(1).
"occupier" of premises means the person apparently in charge of the premises.
"officer assisting", in relation to a warrant, means:
"ordinary search" has the meaning given in subsection 414(3).
"plant reproductive material" means:
"precautionary principle" has the meaning given by subsection 391(2).
"premises" includes a place, vehicle, vessel and aircraft.
"prescribed waters "means waters in respect of which regulations made for the
purposes of section 226 are in force.
"principles of ecologically sustainable development" has a meaning affected by
section 3A.
"radioactive waste" has the meaning given by subsection 22(1).
"Ramsar Convention" means the Convention on Wetlands of International
Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat done at Ramsar, Iran, on 2 February
1971, as in force for Australia immediately before the commencement of this
"ranger" means a person holding an appointment as a ranger under Part 17.
"recovery plan" means a plan made or adopted under section 269A.
"regional forest agreement" has the meaning given by subsection 38(2).
"relevant impacts" of an action has the meaning given by section 82.
"reprocessing" has the meaning given by subsection 22(1).
"RFA forestry operations" has the meaning given by subsection 38(2).
"RFA region" has the meaning given by section 41.
"Scientific Committee" means the Threatened Species Scientific Committee
established by section 502.
"seabed" has the meaning given by subsection 345(2).
"Secretary" means the Secretary to the Department that:
"species" means a group of biological entities that:
"subsidiary" of a body corporate has a meaning affected by section 526.
"sub-species" means a geographically separate population of a species, being a
population that is characterised by morphological or biological differences
from other populations of that species.
"terms of reference" has the meaning given by paragraph 107(1)(b).
"territorial sea" means the territorial sea (as defined in the
Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 ) of Australia (including its external
"threat abatement plan" means a plan made or adopted under section 270B.
"threatening process" has the meaning given by subsection 188(3).
trade a cetacean or member of a listed threatened species, listed
migratory species, listed marine species or threatened ecological community
"treat" a cetacean has the meaning given by subsection 229D(3).
"Ulu" r u-Kata Tju t a National Park has the meaning given by
subsection 344(3).
"Uluru region" has the meaning given by subsection 386(2).
"usage right" has the meaning given by subsection 350(7).
"vehicle" includes a hovercraft.
"vessel" means a ship, boat, raft or pontoon or any other thing capable of
carrying persons or goods through or on water and includes a floating
structure and hovercraft.
"warrant premises" means premises in relation to which a warrant is in force.
"wetland" has the same meaning as in the Ramsar Convention.
"whale watching" has the meaning given by section 238.
"wildlife conservation plan" means a plan of a kind referred to in section 285
that has been made or adopted under that section.
"World Heritage Convention" means the Convention for the Protection of the
World Cultural and Natural Heritage done at Paris on 23 November 1972, as in
force for Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
[ Minister's second reading speech made in Senate on 12 November 1998
House of Representatives on 29 June 1999 ] (133/98)
"assessment report" has the meaning given by subsection 130(2).
"baggage" has the meaning given by section 443.
"biological resources" includes genetic resources, organisms, parts of
organisms, populations and any other biotic component of an ecosystem with
actual or potential use or value for humanity.
"CAMBA" means the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the
Government of the People's Republic of China for the protection of Migratory
Birds and their Environment done at Canberra on 20 October 1986, as in force
for Australia immediately before the commencement of this Act.
"cetacean" means a member of the sub-order Mysticeti or Odontoceti of the
Order Cetacea, and includes a part of such a member and any product derived
from a such a member.
"civil penalty provision" has the meaning given by section 482.
but does not include:
"Commonwealth aircraft" has the meaning given by section 403.
"cultural heritage" has the meaning given by subsection 12(4).
"ecologically sustainable use" of natural resources means use of the natural
resources within their capacity to sustain natural processes while maintaining
the life-support systems of nature and ensuring that the benefit of the use to
the present generation does not diminish the potential to meet the needs and
aspirations of future generations.
"environmental authority" has the meaning given by subsection 458(4).
"imported" in relation to a cetacean or foreign whaling vessel means brought
into the Australian jurisdiction.
"interested person" has the meaning given by section 475.
"jointly managed reserve" has the meaning given by subsection 363(5).
"key threatening process" means a threatening process included in the list
referred to in section 183.
"natural heritage" has the meaning given by subsection 12(4).
"officer of Customs" has the same meaning as it has in the Customs Act 1901 .
"plant" means a member, alive or dead, of the plant kingdom or of the fungus
kingdom, and includes a part of a plant and plant reproductive material.
"population" of a species or ecological community means an occurrence of the
species or community in a particular area.
"range" of a species means the area where members of the species live, feed,
breed or visit periodically or regularly.
"significant", in relation to the impact of an action, has a meaning affected
by section 524B.
and includes:
"spent nuclear fuel" has the meaning given by subsection 22(1).
"traditional owners" of indigenous people's land has the meaning given by
subsection 368(4).
"warden" means a person holding an appointment as a warden under Part 17.
"World Heritage List" means the list kept under that title under Article 11 of
the World Heritage Convention.
"world heritage values" of a property has the meaning given by
subsection 12(3).