- (1)
- A bilateral agreement may include:
- (a)
- provisions for State accreditation of Commonwealth processes and
decisions; and
- (b)
- other provisions for achieving the object of this Part; and
- (c)
- provisions for the provision of information by one party to the agreement
to the other party; and
- (d)
- provisions for the publication of information relating to the agreement;
- (e)
- provisions relating to the operation of the whole agreement or particular
provisions of the agreement, such as:
- (i)
- provisions for the commencement of all or part of the agreement; or
- (ii)
- provisions for auditing, monitoring and reporting on the operation and
effectiveness of all or part of the agreement; or
- (iii)
- provisions for review of all or part of the agreement; or
- (iv)
- provisions for rescission of all or part of the agreement; or
- (v)
- provisions for expiry of the agreement; and
- (f)
- provisions varying or revoking another bilateral agreement between the
same parties; and
- (g)
- a provision dealing with a matter that another section of this Act permits
a bilateral agreement to deal with.
Consistency with Act and regulations
- (2)
- A provision of a
bilateral agreement has no effect for the purposes of this Act to the extent
that it is inconsistent with this Act or the regulations. A provision of a
bilateral agreement is not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations if it
is possible to comply with both the provision on the one hand and the Act or
regulations on the other hand.
Relationship with sections 46 and 47
- (3)
- Subsection (1) does not limit
sections 46 and 47.