(1) If:
(a) a person is registered under the scheme in relation to a foreign principal; and
(b) the person undertakes disbursement activity on behalf of the foreign principal; and
(c) the disbursement activity is registrable in relation to the foreign principal within the meaning of section 21 (activity in Australia for the purpose of political or governmental influence); and
(d) the total value of the money or things of value disbursed in the course of the disbursement activity:
(i) reaches the electoral donations threshold ; or
(ii) reaches a multiple of that threshold ;
the person must give the Secretary a notice specifying the total value reached.
Note: It is an offence for a registrant not to give this notice (see subsection 58(1)). It is also an offence under the Criminal Code to give false or misleading information in compliance with a law of the Commonwealth (see section 137.1 of the Code).
(2) The notice must be given before the end of the period of 14 days after the day the total value reaches the threshold or multiple mentioned in paragraph (1)(d).
(3) The notice must be:
(a) in writing; and
(b) in an approved form (if any); and
(c) given in an approved manner (if any); and
(d) accompanied by any information or documents required by the Secretary.
(4) This section does not apply if the total value reaches the threshold or multiple mentioned in paragraph (1)(d) on a day in the voting period for a federal election or designated vote.
Note: In this case see section 37 instead.