(1) The Chair must convene such meetings of the Board as are, in his or her opinion, necessary for the efficient conduct of its affairs.
(2) The quorum for a meeting is a majority of the current members.
(3) However, if:
(a) a member is required by section 27J of the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 not to be present during the deliberations, or to take part in any decision, of the Board with respect to a particular matter; and
(b) when the member leaves the meeting concerned there is no longer a quorum present;
those remaining members constitute a quorum for the purposes of any deliberation or decision at that meeting with respect to that matter.
(4) A question arising at a meeting of the Board is to be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting.
(5) The Chair must preside at all meetings at which he or she is present.
(6) If the Chair is not present at a meeting the Deputy Chair, if present, must preside at the meeting.
(7) If neither the Chair nor the Deputy Chair is present at a meeting the members present must elect one of their number to preside at the meeting.
(8) At a meeting, the presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, has a casting vote.
(9) The Board must keep a record of any decisions made at a meeting.
(10) Subject to this Act and the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 , the Board may regulate the conduct of its meetings as it thinks fit.