(1) The National VET Regulator may advise the Education Minister for a State or Territory if:
(a) the Regulator has serious concerns about a registered training organisation that provides all or part of a VET course in the State or Territory concerned; or
(b) the Regulator proposes to cancel the registration of an NVR registered training organisation that provides all or part of a VET course in the State or Territory concerned; or
(c) an NVR registered training organisation has given written notice to the Regulator seeking to have its registration withdrawn.
(2) If the National VET Regulator advises the Education Minister for a State or Territory under subsection (1), the Regulator may also advise:
(a) a person who holds any office or appointment under a law of the Commonwealth, or under a law of the State or Territory concerned; or
(b) employees of the Commonwealth of the prescribed kind; or
(c) employees, of the prescribed kind, of the State or Territory concerned.