(1) The National VET Regulator must give a copy of a strategic plan to the Minister for approval on or before:
(a) for the first strategic plan--the end of 2 months after the day this section commences; and
(b) for later strategic plans--either:
(i) 31 January in the last year of the 3-year period to which the previous plan related; or
(ii) a later day, but not later than 31 March, in the last year of the 3-year period to which the previous plan related, as allowed by the Minister.
(2) However, the National VET Regulator is not required to give a copy of a strategic plan to the Minister for approval in a calendar year if:
(a) the first year to which the plan would relate is a year to which a previous strategic plan is in force; and
(b) the Minister determines, at the request of the Regulator, that this subsection applies for the calendar year.
(3) A strategic plan comes into force on:
(a) the day on which it is approved by the Minister; or
(b) the first day of the period to which it relates;
whichever is later.