Basic definition
(1) A tobacco advertisement means any form of communication, recommendation or action that promotes, or is likely to promote, the following (whether directly or indirectly):
(a) smoking;
(b) a regulated tobacco item or the use of such an item.
Tobacco advertisements--elements
(2) A tobacco advertisement may comprise any means, or combination of means, of communication, recommendation or action (whether visual, aural or otherwise).
Tobacco advertisements--additional effects
(3) In determining whether material is a tobacco advertisement, disregard whether or not the material promotes matters in addition to the matters mentioned in subsection (1).
Tobacco advertisements--rebuttable presumption
(4) Material that is or contains any of the following is presumed to promote smoking, or a regulated tobacco item or the use of such an item, unless the contrary is proved:
(a) a trade mark that is registered under the Trade Marks Act in respect of goods that are or include regulated tobacco items;
(b) a design that is registered under the Designs Act in relation to products that are or include regulated tobacco items;
(c) a trade mark, design, colour, logo, get-up or work (within the meaning of the Copyright Act) that is evocative of, or closely associated with, a registered trade mark or design that is used, or has been used by any person at any time, in relation to regulated tobacco items;
(d) a prohibited term in relation to the brand name or variant name of a tobacco product.
Note: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to proving the contrary (see section 13.4 of the Criminal Code ).
Tobacco advertisements--names of tobacco manufacturers, importers etc.
(5) Promoting the whole or a part of the name of a person constitutes a tobacco advertisement if:
(a) the person is a manufacturer, importer, distributor or retailer of regulated tobacco items; and
(b) the person's name appears on a tobacco product, or on the retail packaging of a tobacco product.
Note: The use of the name of a person mentioned in this subsection does not constitute a tobacco advertisement in certain circumstances (see Division 3).
Tobacco advertisements may be prescribed
(6) The regulations may prescribe a kind of material to be a tobacco advertisement for the purposes of this Act.
(7) Before regulations are made under subsection (6), the Minister must be satisfied:
(a) that it is appropriate to do so; and
(b) that making the proposed regulations would not be inconsistent with Division 3 (about exceptions to tobacco advertisements).