Objects of Act
(1) The objects of this Act are:
(a) to improve public health by:
(i) discouraging smoking and the use of regulated tobacco items; and
(ii) encouraging people to give up smoking, and to stop using regulated tobacco items; and
(b) to give effect to certain obligations that Australia has as a party to the Convention on Tobacco Control; and
(c) to address the public health risks posed by vaping and the use of e-cigarette products; and
(d) to combat the trade in illicit tobacco and e-cigarette products.
Means for achieving objects
(2) The means for achieving the objects of this Act are the following:
(a) limiting the exposure of the public to communications, recommendations or actions that may persuade people to:
(i) start smoking or continue smoking; or
(ii) start vaping or continue vaping;
(b) reducing the appeal of regulated tobacco items and e-cigarette products to consumers;
(c) preventing the retail packaging of tobacco products from misleading or deceiving consumers about the harmful effects of smoking or using tobacco products;
(d) increasing consumer knowledge of health effects relating to the use of tobacco products;
(e) increasing the effectiveness of health warnings on, and health promotion messages in, the retail packaging of tobacco products;
(f) discouraging people who have given up smoking or vaping from relapsing;
(g) preventing and reducing nicotine addiction;
(h) reducing people's exposure to smoke from tobacco products;
(i) reducing the environmental risks of tobacco products;
(j) limiting novel developments and emerging innovation in tobacco products;
(k) limiting the risk of e-cigarette products becoming a gateway into smoking and the use of regulated tobacco items;
(l) increasing public knowledge about tobacco products and the tobacco industry;
(m) establishing the Illicit Tobacco and E-cigarette Commissioner.