(a) in relation to a person who is or will be a senatorthe Clerk of the
Senate; and
(b) in relation to a person who is a member of the House of
Representativesthe Clerk of the House of Representatives.
(a) special allowance of office; or
(b) electorate allowance; or
(c) travelling allowance; or
(d) any allowance, or allowance included in a class of allowances,
specified in regulations for the purposes of this definition.
(a) if a choice notice given by the member is in force under Division 2
of Part 2 at that timethe fund that is, at that time, specified in
the notice as the chosen fund; or
(b) otherwisethe fund or scheme that is, at that time, the default
fund under Division 3 of Part 2.
"month "means one of the 12 months of the year.
"new scheme contribution period", in relation to a person, has the meaning given by section 6.
"new scheme entry time", in relation to a person, has the meaning given by section 5.
"office holder "means a person who:
(a) is entitled to a parliamentary allowance; and
(b) holds an office in, or in relation to, the Parliament or either House
of the Parliament, being an office in respect of which he or she is
entitled to an allowance by way of salary;
but does not include a Minister of State.
"RSA" has the same meaning as in the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 .
"salary", in relation to a Minister of State, does not include any allowance.
"self managed superannuation fund "has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 .