Commonwealth Numbered Acts

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No. 100, 2012










Part 1--Preliminary                                                                                                             2

Division 1--Introduction                                                                                            2

1............ Short title............................................................................................. 2

2............ Commencement................................................................................... 2

3............ Guide to this Act................................................................................. 3

4............ Object of this Act................................................................................ 4

4A......... The Racial Discrimination Act is not affected..................................... 5

Division 2--The Dictionary                                                                                       6

5............ The Dictionary.................................................................................... 6

Part 2--Tackling alcohol abuse                                                                                   10

Division 1--Introduction                                                                                          10

6............ Guide to this Part.............................................................................. 10

7............ Object of this Part............................................................................. 11

Division 2--Modification of the NT Liquor Act and NT Liquor Regulations in alcohol protected areas                                                                                                                      12

8............ Certain offences to apply in alcohol protected areas.......................... 12

9............ Alcohol protected areas treated as general restricted areas................. 17

10.......... Seizing vehicles................................................................................. 18

11.......... Modification of the NT Liquor Regulations...................................... 18

Division 3--Modification of NT liquor licences and NT liquor permits in force in alcohol protected areas                                                                                                                      19

12.......... Modification of NT liquor licences................................................... 19

13.......... Modification of NT liquor permits.................................................... 20

13A....... Procedure before making determination modifying NT liquor licence or permit      21

Division 4--Notices about alcohol offences in alcohol protected areas 22

14.......... Notices about alcohol offences in alcohol protected areas................. 22

Division 5--Assessments of licensed premises                                               24

15.......... Assessments of licensed premises in the Northern Territory............ 24

Division 6--Alcohol management plans                                                           26

Subdivision A--Approving alcohol management plans                                 26

16.......... Application for approval of an alcohol management plan.................. 26

17.......... Determination to approve or refuse plan........................................... 26

18.......... Procedure before refusing approval of plan...................................... 27

19.......... Duration of approval of an alcohol management plan....................... 28

20.......... Notice of determination about whether plan approved...................... 28

Subdivision B--Variation and revocation of alcohol management plans 29

21.......... No variation of alcohol management plan without approval.............. 29

22.......... Application for approval to vary alcohol management plan............... 29

23.......... Approval of variation of alcohol management plan........................... 30

24.......... Revocation of approval of alcohol management plan........................ 30

25.......... Procedure before refusing to approve variation or revoking approval 31

Subdivision C--Community managed alcohol areas                                     32

26.......... Community managed alcohol areas................................................... 32

Division 7--Alcohol protected areas                                                                  33

27.......... Rules prescribing the areas that are alcohol protected areas............... 33

Division 8--Independent review of Commonwealth and Northern Territory laws relating to alcohol                                                                                                                      36

28.......... Independent review of Commonwealth and Northern Territory laws relating to alcohol          36

Division 9--Other matters                                                                                       38

29.......... NT Licensing Commission etc. to provide information..................... 38

30.......... Modified NT Liquor Act and NT Liquor Regulations...................... 38

31.......... AAT review of determinations under this Part.................................. 38

Part 3--Land reform                                                                                                         40

Division 1--Introduction                                                                                          40

32.......... Guide to this Part.............................................................................. 40

33.......... Object of this Part............................................................................. 40

Division 2--Town camps                                                                                          41

34.......... Modifying NT laws in relation to town camps.................................. 41

Division 3--Community living areas                                                                  44

35.......... Modifying NT laws in relation to community living areas................ 44

Part 4--Food security                                                                                                        46

Division 1--Guide to this Part                                                                               46

36.......... Guide to this Part.............................................................................. 46

37.......... Object of this Part............................................................................. 47

Division 2--Certain community stores must be licensed                         49

38.......... Prohibition on operating a community store without a licence.......... 49

39.......... Meaning of community store, owner and manager.......................... 50

40.......... More than one owner or manager of a community store................... 52

Division 3--Determining whether a community store is required to be licensed             53

41.......... Determining whether a community store licence is required............. 53

42.......... Procedure before determining that a licence is required..................... 53

43.......... Notice of determination about whether licence is required................ 54

Division 4--Licensing of community stores                                                    56

Subdivision A--Granting and refusing community store licences              56

44.......... Application for a community store licence........................................ 56

45.......... Determination to grant or refuse a community store licence.............. 56

46.......... Meaning of food security matters..................................................... 57

47.......... Procedure before refusing a community store licence....................... 58

48.......... Community store licence may relate to more than one store.............. 59

49.......... Duration of community store licence................................................. 59

50.......... Notice of determination about whether licence granted..................... 59

Subdivision B--Conditions of community store licences                               60

51.......... Community store licence is subject to conditions.............................. 60

52.......... Conditions that may be imposed at time of grant............................... 60

53.......... Procedure before imposing a condition............................................. 61

54.......... Condition about monitoring and audits............................................. 62

55.......... Conditions prescribed by the rules.................................................... 62

56.......... Breach of condition........................................................................... 62

Subdivision C--Variation and revocation of community store licences   63

57.......... Application to vary a community store licence.................................. 63

58.......... Variation of community store licence................................................ 63

59.......... Revocation of community store licence............................................. 65

60.......... Procedure before varying, refusing to vary or revoking a community store licence 65

Division 5--Requirement to register under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006                                                                                                           67

61.......... Requirement to register under the CATSI Act.................................. 67

62.......... Secretary may require registration..................................................... 67

63.......... Procedure before determining that registration is required................ 68

64.......... Notice of determination that registration is required.......................... 69

65.......... Community store licence may be revoked if owner is not registered. 69

66.......... Procedure before revoking licence.................................................... 70

Division 6--Assessments of community stores in relation to licensing   72

67.......... Community stores may be assessed.................................................. 72

68.......... Notice in relation to assessments....................................................... 72

69.......... Appointment of authorised officers................................................... 73

70.......... Identity cards..................................................................................... 73

71.......... Power to enter premises for the purposes of making assessments.... 73

72.......... Authorised officers may obtain access to records and assistance...... 74

73.......... Power to compel information relating to assessments....................... 75

Division 7--Areas that are not in the food security area                       77

74.......... Areas that are not in the food security area........................................ 77

Division 8--Enforcement relating to food security                                    78

Subdivision A--Civil penalties                                                                             78

75.......... Civil penalty orders........................................................................... 78

76.......... Civil enforcement of penalty............................................................. 79

77.......... Conduct contravening more than one civil penalty provision............ 79

78.......... Multiple contraventions..................................................................... 79

79.......... Proceedings may be heard together................................................... 80

80.......... Civil evidence and procedure rules for civil penalty orders............... 80

81.......... Contravening a civil penalty provision is not an offence................... 80

82.......... Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings..................................... 80

83.......... Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings................................. 80

84.......... Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings..................................... 81

85.......... Evidence given in civil proceedings not admissible in criminal proceedings            81

86.......... Ancillary contravention of civil penalty provisions........................... 81

87.......... Continuing contraventions of civil penalty provisions...................... 82

88.......... Mistake of fact.................................................................................. 82

89.......... State of mind..................................................................................... 83

Subdivision B--Infringement notices                                                                 83

90.......... When an infringement notice may be given....................................... 83

91.......... Matters to be included in an infringement notice............................... 84

92.......... Extension of time to pay amount....................................................... 86

93.......... Withdrawal of an infringement notice............................................... 87

94.......... Effect of payment of amount............................................................. 88

95.......... Effect of this Division....................................................................... 89

Subdivision C--Enforceable undertakings                                                       89

96.......... Acceptance of undertakings.............................................................. 89

97.......... Enforcement of undertakings............................................................ 90

Subdivision D--Injunctions                                                                                   91

98.......... Grant of injunctions.......................................................................... 91

99.......... Interim injunctions............................................................................ 91

100........ Discharging or varying injunctions................................................... 92

101........ Certain limits on granting injunctions not to apply............................ 92

102........ Other powers of a relevant court unaffected...................................... 92

Subdivision E--Civil jurisdiction of courts                                                       93

103........ Civil jurisdiction of courts................................................................. 93

Division 9--Other matters                                                                                       94

104........ Information about criminal history.................................................... 94

105........ Power to request information from public officials etc...................... 94

106........ Disclosure of information to public officials etc................................ 94

107........ This Part does not affect legal professional privilege........................ 95

108........ Application of Northern Territory laws to community stores............ 95

109........ Interaction with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010................ 95

110........ AAT review of the Secretary's determinations under this Part......... 96

Part 5--Other matters                                                                                                       98

Division 1--Introduction                                                                                          98

111........ Guide to this Part.............................................................................. 98

Division 2--Miscellaneous                                                                                       99

112........ Delegation......................................................................................... 99

113........ References in Commonwealth or Northern Territory laws................ 99

114........ Modification of Northern Territory laws........................................... 99

115........ Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act..................................... 100

116........ Compensation for acquisition of property....................................... 100

117........ Review of the operation of this Act................................................. 100

118........ Sunset provision............................................................................. 101

119........ Rules............................................................................................... 101

120........ Regulations..................................................................................... 101




Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012

No. 100, 2012




An Act to build stronger futures for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, and for related purposes

[Assented to 29 June 2012]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

[Minister's second reading speech made in--

House of Representatives on 23 November 2011

Senate on 29 February 2012]



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