The food security matters relating to a community store are the following matters, having regard to the nature and circumstances of the store:
(a) whether the store will provide a satisfactory range of healthy and good quality food, drink or grocery items;
(b) whether the store will take reasonable steps to promote good nutrition and healthy products;
(c) whether the store will satisfactorily address other aspects of the store's operations which may impact on food security, including:
(i) the quality of the retail management practices of the manager of the store; and
(ii) whether the financial practices of the owner and manager of the store support the sustainable operation of the store; and
(iii) the character of the owner, manager, employees and other persons involved in the store, including whether any of those persons have a criminal history; and
(iv) the store's business structure, governance practices and employment practices; and
(v) the environment of the store's premises, the infrastructure of the store's premises and the equipment available at the store's premises.