(1) An entity commits an offence if:
(a) the entity obtains information; and
(b) the information is protected information; and
(c) the entity makes a record of, discloses or otherwise uses the information; and
(d) the making of the record, or the disclosure or use, is not authorised under Subdivision A or required by subsection 51(3) or 52(4).
Note 1: For exceptions to this offence, see section 46.
Note 2: Information includes the fact that an asset is declared under section 51 to be a critical infrastructure asset (see the definition of protected information in section 5).
Note 3: If the entity is not a legal person, see Division 2 of Part 7.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years or 120 penalty units, or both.
(2) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical jurisdiction--category A) applies to an offence against subsection (1).