1 Chapter 7 (note to Chapter heading)
Under Part 2, the Authority can propose adjustments to surface water SDLs if certain additional changes in infrastructure and other measures are planned by 30 June 2016 and will come into operation by 30 June 2024.
Under Part 2, the Authority can propose adjustments to surface water SDLs to take account of certain additional changes in infrastructure and other measures that will come into operation by 30 June 2024.
2 Section 7.02 (definition of notified measure )
After "7.12(1)", insert "or (1A)".
3 Section 7.10 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
7.10 Initial adjustments to be proposed in 201 7
4 Subsection 7.10(1)
Omit ", it must, as soon as practicable after 30 June 2016", substitute "or (1A), it must, as soon as practicable after 30 June 2017 and no later than 15 December 2017".
5 Before subsection 7.12(1)
First notification of supply measures or efficiency measures
6 Subsection 7.12(1)
Omit "( notified measures )".
7 After subsection 7.12(1)
Second notification of supply measures or efficiency measures
(1A) The Basin Officials Committee may, after 30 June 2016 but on or before 30 June 2017, notify the Authority of 1 or more supply measures or efficiency measures that, in the view of the Committee, should be taken into account in proposing adjustments under section 7.10 or 7.11.
Notification of additional efficiency measures
8 Subsection 7.12(2)
Omit "additional" (first occurring).
9 Subsection 7.12(2)
Omit "2016", substitute "2017".
10 Subsection 7.12(2)
Omit "additional" (second occurring).
11 Subsection 7.12(2)
Omit "( additional efficiency measures )".
12 Before subsection 7.12(3)
Requirements for all notifications
13 Before subsection 7.12(5)
Amendment of notifications
14 Subsection 7.15(1) (note)
Omit "30 June 2016", substitute "the time the measures are notified under section 7.12".
15 Subsection 7.16(1) (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Efficiency contribution for 2017 determination
16 Section 7.20 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
7.20 Final determination of amounts in 2017
17 Subsection 7.20(2)
Omit "2016", substitute "2017".