1. These Regulations amend Statutory Rules 1979 No. 210, as amended by 1980 No.
140; 1981 Nos. 161 and 192; 1982 Nos. 199 and 282; 1983 No. 158; 1984 Nos.
164, 296 (as amended by 1985 No. 82) and 297; 1985 Nos. 82 and 293; 1986 No.
299; 1987 No. 14; 1988 Nos. 83, 84 and 363; 1989 Nos. 1, 139, 343, 344, 361 and
362; 1990 Nos. 23, 87, 273 and 409; 1992 No. 298; 1993 No. 60; 1994 No. 113;
1995 No. 324; 1996 Nos. 171 and 330; 1997 No. 375; 1998 No. 232.
2. Made by the Governor-General on 21 June 2000, and notified in the
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 28 June 2000.