By His Excellency's Command
Christian Porter
Part 1--Preliminary 1
1............ Name............................................................................................................................. 1
2............ Commencement............................................................................................................. 1
3............ Authority....................................................................................................................... 1
4............ Definitions..................................................................................................................... 1
Part 2--Forms 3
5............ Prescribed forms........................................................................................................... 3
6............ Optional forms.............................................................................................................. 3
Part 3--Controlled operations 5
7............ Corresponding State controlled operations laws............................................................ 5
8............ Requirements for indemnification of participants against civil liability.......................... 5
Part 4--Assumed identities 7
9............ Corresponding assumed identity laws........................................................................... 7
10.......... Requirements for indemnification of authorised persons............................................... 7
Part 5--Witness identity protection for operatives 9
11.......... Corresponding witness identity protection laws............................................................ 9
12.......... Meaning of civil proceeding.......................................................................................... 9
Part 6--Protecting vulnerable persons 10
13.......... Video recordings--persons who may conduct interview............................................ 10
Part 7--Sentencing, imprisonment and release of federal offenders 11
14.......... State and Territory pre-release permit schemes that apply to federal offenders............ 11
15.......... Additional sentencing alternatives--State and Territory sentences and orders............ 11
16.......... Offences for which a court may impose certain conditions......................................... 12
Part 8--Forensic procedures 13
17.......... Persons appropriately qualified to carry out forensic procedures................................ 13
18.......... Persons authorised to access information on DNA databases..................................... 14
19.......... Corresponding laws--forensic procedures and DNA databases................................. 14
Part 9--Pardons, quashed convictions and spent convictions 15
20.......... Exclusions from Divisions 2 and 3 of Part VIIC of the Act........................................ 15
21.......... Exclusions from Division 3 of Part VIIC of the Act (spent convictions).................... 15
Part 10--Miscellaneous 16
22.......... ACC delegates............................................................................................................. 16
Part 11--Application, saving and transitional provisions 17
Division 1--Transitional matters relating to the Crimes Regulations 1990 17
23.......... Things done under the Crimes Regulations 1990........................................................ 17
24.......... Conduct, event, circumstances occurring before commencement................................ 17
25.......... Forms prescribed under the Crimes Regulations 1990................................................ 17
26.......... Application of indemnification requirements............................................................... 18
27.......... Sentences or orders under section 20AB of the Act.................................................... 18
Division 2--Transitional matters relating to the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act 2010 19
28.......... Transitional matters relating to the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act 2010 19
Schedule 1--Forms 21
Form 1--Document relating to other offences to be taken into account 21
Form 2--Warrant authorising the detention of a person where parole or licence automatically revoked 24
Form 3--Notice of proposed revocation of parole order or licence 26
Form 4--Warrant for arrest where parole order or licence has been revoked 27
Form 5--Warrant authorising detention where parole order or licence has been revoked 28
Form 6--Warrant authorising the remand of a person where parole order or licence has been revoked 30
Form 7--Order for the detention of a person where parole order or licence has been revoked 31
Form 8--Notification of breach of conditions where parole order or licence has been revoked 32
Form 9--Summons to appear 33
Form 10--Order and recognisance where discharge without conviction 34
Form 11--Order and recognisance where release without passing sentence 37
Form 12--Order and recognisance where sentenced 40
Form 13--Warrant under paragraph 20BF(3)(b) of the Act for arrest where release order revoked 43
Form 14--Warrant under subsection 20BF(5) of the Act authorising the detention of a person where release order revoked 44
Form 15--Warrant under subsection 20BF(6) of the Act authorising the remand of a person where release order revoked 45
Form 16--Warrant under paragraph 20BM(3)(b) of the Act for arrest where release order revoked 46
Form 17--Warrant under subsection 20BM(5) of the Act authorising the detention of a person where release order revoked 47
Form 18--Warrant under subsection 20BM(6) of the Act authorising the remand of a person where release order revoked 48
Form 19--Summons in relation to breach of psychiatric probation order or program probation order 49
Form 20--Warrant in relation to breach of psychiatric probation order or program probation order 50
Form 21--Warrant for arrest in relation to breach of psychiatric probation order or program probation order 51
Form 22--Certificate in relation to reparation for offences 52
Schedule 2--Spent convictions 53
1............ Exclusions from Division 3 of Part VIIC of the Act (spent convictions).................... 53