(1) For the purposes of paragraph 307-205(1)(a) of the Act, this section specifies a method for determining the value of a superannuation interest at a particular time if the interest supports a superannuation income stream to which subsection (2) applies.
Note: The proportioning rule in section 307-125 of the Act requires the tax free component and taxable component of a superannuation benefit to be paid out in the same proportion as they make up of the underlying interest. A value of the superannuation interest is required to ensure that the proportioning rule operates appropriately.
(2) This subsection applies to a superannuation income stream or a superannuation annuity, other than:
(a) a superannuation income stream that is a pension mentioned in subparagraph 295-385.01(a)(i), (ii) or (iii); or
(b) a superannuation income stream or a superannuation annuity for which the rules providing for the income stream or annuity are based on:
(i) an identifiable lump sum amount; or
(ii) the amount available in the member's account; or
(c) a superannuation income stream that is supported by a superannuation interest that can be valued under paragraph 307-205.02B(a); or
(d) a superannuation income stream that is supported by a superannuation interest that can be valued under section 307-205.02C, 307-205.02D or 307-205.02E .
(3) The value of the interest at a particular time is the sum of:
(a) the product of:
(i) the annual amount of the superannuation income stream payable in respect of the superannuation interest at that time; and
(ii) the applicable factor for the superannuation income stream set out in clause 1 of Schedule 1B; and
(b) the product of:
(i) the nominal value of the superannuation lump sum, if any, which is payable in respect of the interest at a time in the future, other than a future lump sum which is a commutation of the income stream included in subparagraph (a)(i); and
(ii) the applicable factor for the superannuation lump sum set out in clause 2 of Schedule 1B.