(1) The chairperson of a meeting must:
- (a)
- cause minutes of the proceedings
to be entered in a record kept for the purpose; and
- (b)
- sign the minutes after they have been entered in the record.
- (2)
- A record of the persons present in person, by proxy or by attorney at a
meeting must be kept.
- (3)
- The chairperson must give to the Council a copy of the minutes of the
meeting certified by him or her to be a true copy.
- (4)
- If the chairperson becomes incapable, through death, illness, or other
cause, of complying with subregulation (1) or (3), the convenor of the
meeting, if he or she attended the meeting, or a creditor or member who
attended the meeting, may act in substitution for the chairperson.
(5) The
administrator of the fund or registered organization concerned, or of the
voluntary deed of arrangement concerned, after a meeting of creditors, must
make available for inspection by creditors and members, at the registered
office or principal place of business of the organization in the relevant
- (a)
- the minutes; and
- (b)
- the record of persons present at the meeting.
(6) Subregulations (1) and (3) must be complied with:
- (a)
- for a meeting
other than a meeting convened under section 82XZ of the Act
within 1 month after the end of the meeting; or
- (b)
- for a meeting convened under section 82XZ of the Act within 14
days after the end of the meeting.