The objects of this Part are for the Children's Guardian to protect children from harm by--
(a) adopting the Child Safe Standards as the primary framework that guides child safe practice, and
(b) implementing regulatory approaches that--(i) improve systems for the prevention, identification, response to and reporting of child abuse in child safe organisations through the implementation of the Child Safe Standards, and(ii) assist child safe organisations to implement the Child Safe Standards by raising awareness and providing guidance, training and education, and(iii) monitor and report on the compliance of child safe organisations with the Child Safe Standards, and(iv) enforce compliance with the Child Safe Standards, and(v) provide for the investigation of complaints about a child safe organisation's--(A) implementation of the Child Safe Standards, or(B) compliance with the Child Safe Standards, or(C) compliance with recommendations contained in a monitoring assessment report, and(vi) establish child safe action plans with prescribed agencies, and(vii) provide for the ongoing exchange of information about risks to child safety in organisations between government agencies, both in New South Wales and in other States and Territories, with child safety responsibilities.