(1) The court may, if it appears to the court that--(a) the Department or a Crown land manager has incurred costs and expenses in connection with--(i) the prevention, control, abatement or mitigation of any harm to Crown land caused by the commission of the offence, or(ii) making good any resulting damage to Crown land, or(b) a person (including the Department or a Crown land manager) has, by reason of the commission of the offence, suffered loss of or damage to property or has incurred costs and expenses in preventing or mitigating, or in attempting to prevent or mitigate, that loss or damage,order the offender to pay to the Department or the Crown land manager or other person the costs and expenses so incurred, or compensation for the loss or damage so suffered, as the case may be, in the amount that may be fixed by the order.
(2) An order made by the Land and Environment Court under subsection (1) is enforceable as if it were an order made by the Court in Class 4 proceedings under the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 .
(3) The Local Court may not make an order under subsection (1) for the payment of an amount that exceeds the amount for which an order may be made by the court when exercising jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act 2005 . An order made by the court is enforceable as if it were an order made by the court when exercising jurisdiction under that Act.