(1) The functions of a Crown land manager of specified dedicated or reserved Crown land are--(a) to be the person responsible for the care, control and management of the Crown land for purposes referred to in section 2.12 applicable to the land, and(b) to exercise any other functions that are conferred or imposed on the manager by or under this Act or another Act (including by Divisions 3.4 and 3.5).
(2) The Crown land manager must exercise the manager's functions in accordance with--(a) the provisions of the manager's appointment instrument and the regulations, and(b) if there are 2 or more Crown land managers for the Crown land concerned--in accordance with any allocation of responsibility made by the Minister under section 3.14, and(c) any applicable Crown land management rules, and(d) any applicable plan of management (whether under the Local Government Act 1993 or Division 3.6), and(e) for managers except local councils--the requirements of any community engagement strategy applicable to the manager.Note--: See also any guidance materials and handbooks issued by the Department.
(3) The members of the board or other governing body of a Crown land manager that is not a statutory land manager must, when participating in decision-making concerning the exercise of the manager's functions, comply with the duties imposed on board members of statutory land managers by Division 4 (Conduct of board members) of Part 4 of Schedule 5.
(4) Subsection (3) has effect subject to--(a) any modifications to the provisions of Division 4 (Conduct of board members) of Part 4 of Schedule 5 prescribed by the regulations, and(b) any applicable Crown land management rules, and(c) the constitution of, and any other governance provisions applicable to, the Crown land manager under another Act (including a Commonwealth Act) that it is required to comply with.