(1) A registrar must not accept an application made to the Tribunal under this Act unless--(a) mediation by the Secretary under Division 2 or otherwise has been attempted but was not successful, or(b) a party refused to participate in the mediation, or(c) the registrar considers that mediation is unnecessary or inappropriate in the circumstances.
(2) The registrar must inform an applicant that the applicant should arrange for mediation if the registrar rejects an application under this section.
(3) The applicant may arrange for mediation under Division 2 or otherwise.
(4) This section does not apply to applications for the following orders--(a) an order to appoint, or requiring the appointment of, a strata managing agent,(b) an order varying or revoking an order that varies or revokes another order by the Tribunal,(c) an order with respect to waiving, varying or extinguishing a restriction relating to the initial period,(d) an order allocating unit entitlements,(e) an order with respect to access to a lot by the owners corporation to inspect or repair common property,(e1) an order under section 211AG(1) in relation to access to a lot,(f) an order seeking provision of records to an owners corporation by a former strata managing agent for the strata scheme,(g) an order with respect to the inspection of records of an owners corporation,(h) an order imposing a monetary penalty and any associated order as to the payment of costs.