The following abbreviations are used in the Historical notes:
Am | amended | LW | legislation website | Sch | Schedule |
Cl | clause | No | number | Schs | Schedules |
Cll | clauses | p | page | Sec | section |
Div | Division | pp | pages | Secs | sections |
Divs | Divisions | Reg | Regulation | Subdiv | Subdivision |
GG | Government Gazette | Regs | Regulations | Subdivs | Subdivisions |
Ins | inserted | Rep | repealed | Subst | substituted |
2015 | (329) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Trust Account
Statement and Examiners) Rule 2015. LW 26.6.2015. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. |
(766) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Supervised Legal
Practice) Rule 2015. LW 16.12.2015. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2016 | (100) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Trust Account
Statements) Rule 2016. LW 26.2.2016. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. |
(196) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Costs Disclosure)
Rule 2016. LW 22.4.2016. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
(571) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Receipting of Trust
Money) Rule 2016. LW 2.9.2016. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
(682) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (External Examiners)
Rule 2016. LW 18.11.2016. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2018 | (361) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Managed Investment
Schemes) Rules 2018. LW 28.6.2018. Date of commencement, 1.7.2018, rule 2. |
(519) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (External Examiners)
Rule 2018. LW 3.9.2018. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2019 | (25) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Indexation) Rule
2019. LW 25.1.2019. Date of commencement, 1.7.2019, cl 2. |
(610) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Miscellaneous) Rule
2019. LW 13.12.2019. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2020 | (490) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Litigation Funding
Schemes) Rule 2020. LW 21.8.2020. Date of commencement, 22.8.2020, cl 2. |
2021 | (420) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Interest Rate) Rule
2021. LW 30.7.2021. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. |
(473) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Managed Investment
Schemes) Rule 2021. LW 20.8.2021. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2022 | (365) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Conditional Costs
Agreements) Rule 2022. LW 4.7.2022. Date of commencement, 4.7.2022, cl 2. The Rule appointed 1 July 2022 as the date of its commencement. Under the Legal Profession Uniform Law, sec 431(2), the Rule cannot specify a date earlier than the date it is published. Accordingly, this rule commences on the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website, instead of on the earlier day. |
2023 | (559) | Legal Profession Uniform General
Amendment (Managed Investment
Schemes) Rule 2023. LW 6.10.2023. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. |
Rule 7 | Am 2015 (766), cl 4. |
Rule 17 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[1[#93]. |
Rule 36 | Am 2016 (571), cl 4. |
Rule 38 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[2[#93]. |
Rule 52 | Am 2015 (329), cl 4 (1); 2016 (100), cl 4. |
Rule 54 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[3[#93]. |
Rule 63 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[4[#93]. |
Rule 64 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[5[#93]. |
Rule 65 | Am 2016 (682), cl 4; 2018 (519), cl 4 (1). |
Rule 65A | Ins 2018 (519), cl 4 (2). |
Rule 66 | Am 2015 (329), cl 4 (2). |
Rule 72A | Ins 2016 (196), cl 4. |
Rule 72B | Ins 2022 (365), cl 3. |
Rule 89A | Ins 2021 (420), cl 3. |
Part 4.6, Div 1 | Ins 2018 (361), rule 5. |
Rule 91A | Ins 2018 (361), rule 5. |
Rule 91B | Ins 2018 (361), rule 5. Am 2020 (490), Sch 1[1[#93]. Subst 2021 (473), Sch 1[1[#93]. |
Rule 91BA | Ins 2020 (490), Sch 1[2[#93]. Am 2021 (473), Sch 1[2[#93] [3[#93]; 2023 (559), cl 3(1) (2). |
Rules 91C, 91D | Ins 2018 (361), rule 5. |
Part 4.6, Div 1A (rule 91E) | Ins 2019 (610), Sch 1[6[#93]. |
Part 4.6, Div 2, heading | Ins 2018 (361), rule 6. |
Rule 92 | Am 2018 (361), rule 7. |
Rule 93 | Am 2019 (610), Sch 1[7[#93] [8[#93]. |
Rule 95A | Ins 2019 (610), Sch 1[9[#93]. |
Rule 111A | Ins 2019 (25), Sch 1. |