(1) A law practice must maintain a register of powers and estates in respect of which the law practice or an associate of the practice is acting or entitled to act, alone or jointly with the law practice or one or more associates of the practice, in relation to trust money.
(2) Subrule (1) does not apply where the law practice or associate is also required to act jointly with one or more persons who are not associates of the law practice.
(3) The register of powers and estates must record the following--(a) particulars sufficient to identify each power in respect of which the law practice or an associate of the law practice is acting or entitled to act (alone or jointly with the law practice or one or more associates of the law practice), including the name and address of the donor and date of each power,(b) particulars sufficient to identify each estate in respect of which the law practice or an associate of the law practice is acting or entitled to act (alone or jointly with the law practice or one or more associates of the law practice), including the name and date of death of the deceased in respect of each estate of which the law practice or associate is executor or administrator.