(cf 2008 Reg cl 55A)
(1) Transport for NSW may vary, suspend or cancel a person's driver licence for a period not exceeding 6 months if--(a) a court convicts the person of a dimension requirement offence involving a heavy vehicle (whether or not it imposes any penalty), or(b) an amount is paid under a penalty notice issued to the person in respect of a dimension requirement offence involving a heavy vehicle, or(c) a penalty notice enforcement order under the Fines Act 1996 is made against the person in respect of a dimension requirement offence involving a heavy vehicle, or(d) Transport for NSW is satisfied that a dimension requirement offence involving a heavy vehicle has been committed by the person and the vehicle--(i) caused damage to road infrastructure, or(ii) was involved in an accident, or(iii) caused a danger or obstruction to traffic, or(iv) caused an adverse effect on public amenity.
(2) In this clause, a
"dimension requirement offence" is--(a) an offence against rule 102, 103, 104 or 106(2) of the Road Rules 2014 , or(b) an offence against section 96 or 102 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (NSW) .