(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must not direct or allow a worker to cut manufactured stone containing crystalline silica with a power tool unless--(a) each worker who may inhale dust from the cutting is wearing respiratory protective equipment that--(i) protects the worker from the inhalation of the dust, and(ii) complies with AS/NZS 1716-2012, Respiratory protective devices , and(b) at least 1 of the following controls to effectively reduce exposure to the dust is in place and is properly designed, installed, used and maintained--(i) a water delivery system that supplies a continuous feed of water over the area being cut to suppress the generation of dust,(ii) a prescribed extraction system that is attached to the tool used for the cutting to capture the dust produced by the cutting,(iii) a local exhaust ventilation system that captures the dust produced by the cutting and transports the dust to a safe emission point or to a filter or scrubber.: Maximum penalty--(a) in the case of an individual--70 penalty units, or(b) in the case of a body corporate--345 penalty units.
(2) In this clause--
"cut" includes grind, drill or polish.
"manufactured stone" means stone that is artificially produced even if it contains some natural stone and includes engineered stone and artificial composite stone.
"prescribed extraction system" means--(a) a vacuum that complies with the Class H or Class M requirements in AS/NZS 60335.2.69:2017, Household and similar electrical appliances--Safety--Part 2.69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for commercial use , or(b) a vacuum that is equivalent to a vacuum referred to in paragraph (a), or(c) any other extractive system that effectively captures dust from cutting stone.