This legislation has been repealed.
Reprint No 1 12 November 2002
Reprint No 2 18 May 2004
The following abbreviations are used in the Historical notes:
Am | amended | No | number | Schs | Schedules |
Cl | clause | p | page | Sec | section |
Cll | clauses | pp | pages | Secs | sections |
Div | Division | Reg | Regulation | Subdiv | Subdivision |
Divs | Divisions | Regs | Regulations | Subdivs | Subdivisions |
GG | Government Gazette | Rep | repealed | Subst | substituted |
Ins | inserted | Sch | Schedule |
2005 | (213) | Public Finance and Audit Amendment (NSW Self Insurance
Corporation) Regulation 2005. GG No 69 of 10.6.2005, p 2001. Date of commencement, 1.7.2005, cl 2. |
(388) | Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Financial Statements)
Regulation 2005. GG No 95 of 29.7.2005, p 4027. Date of commencement, on gazettal. |
Cl 4 | Subst 2005 (388), Sch 1 [1]. |
Cl 14 | Subst 2005 (388), Sch 1 [2]. |
Cl 16 | Am 20.12.2002. |
Cl 17 | Am 2.11.2001; 16.11.2001; 24.1.2003; 23.5.2003; 3.10.2003; 24.10.2003; 5.12.2003; 2003 No 96, Sch 3.12; 2003 No 102, Sch 2.7; 2004 No 55, Sch 2.32; 17.9.2004; 12.11.2004; 10.12.2004; 2005 (213), Sch 1. |
Cl 20 | Am 27.10.2000; 24.11.2000; 25.1.2001; 11.10.2002; 17.4.2003; 23.5.2003; 3.10.2003; 10.10.2003; 2.4.2004; 16.7.2004; 13.8.2004; 2004 No 106, Sch 2.6 [1]; 18.2.2005. |
Cl 21 | Rep 2004 No 106, Sch 2.6 [2]. |
Cl 24 | Ins 9.11.2001. |