This legislation has been repealed.
The classes of private health facilities are as follows:
(a) anaesthesia (being a facility licensed for the treatment of patients who are administered general, epidural or major regional anaesthetic or sedation resulting in more than conscious sedation, but does not include sedation provided in connection with dental procedures),
(b) cardiac catheterisation (being a facility licensed for any procedure involving the passing of a catheter, or other instrument, through a major blood vessel and into the heart for a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose),
(c) cardiac surgery (being a facility licensed for surgery within, or on, the heart),
(d) chemotherapy (being a facility licensed for parenteral treatments using one or more cytotoxic agents),
(d1) cosmetic surgery (being a facility licensed for cosmetic surgery),
(e) emergency (being a facility licensed for the care of patients injured in accidents, or those suffering from medical or other emergencies, through the provision of reception, resuscitation, medical and surgical treatment and use of life support systems),
(f) gastrointestinal endoscopy (being a facility licensed for the use of a flexible endoscope with an internal lumen for the passage of an instrument to examine the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract),
(g) intensive care (level 1 or level 2) (being a facility licensed for the observation, care and treatment of patients with life threatening or potentially life threatening illnesses, injuries or complications, from which recovery is possible, in a facility that is specially staffed and equipped for that purpose),
(h) interventional neuroradiology (being a facility licensed for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the brain or spinal cord using procedures involving the passing of a catheter or other instrument through the spinal canal, the cranial cavity or through a major blood vessel, to the brain or spine),
(i) maternity (being a facility licensed for maternity care, including antenatal care related to child birth, assistance and care associated with normal child birth, surgical intervention in achieving childbirth and care and assistance of a mother admitted to the facility immediately after childbirth),
(j) medical (being a facility licensed for the diagnosis or treatment of admitted patients by a procedure or technique not referred to elsewhere in this clause, where the patient is admitted overnight),
(k) mental health (being a facility licensed for the provision of mental health care to admitted patients),
(l) neonatal (being a facility licensed for the provision of care and treatment to a baby under the age of 28 days),
(m) paediatric (being a facility licensed for the provision of care and treatment to admitted patients between the age of 28 days and 14 years),
(n) radiotherapy (being a facility licensed for treatments involving the use of ionising radiation from a radioactive substance),
(o) rapid opioid detoxification (being a facility licensed for the use of one or more opioid antagonists, in particular naltrexone or naloxone or a combination of the two, in a person who is physiologically dependent on opioids for the purpose of accelerating opioid withdrawal in the person and rendering the person opioid free),
(p) rehabilitation (being a facility licensed for rehabilitation, including long-term rehabilitation and specialised physical rehabilitation where the patient is admitted over night),
(q) renal dialysis (being a facility licensed for the provision of haemodialysis),
(r) surgical (being a facility licensed for surgical procedures performed on patients who are administered general, epidural or major regional anaesthetic or sedation resulting in more than conscious sedation, but does not include a surgical procedure carried out by a dentist).