This legislation has been repealed.
(1) This clause applies to--(a) the loading of a large tank vehicle from large loading plant anywhere within the Sydney Metropolitan Area, and(b) the unloading of a large tank vehicle into a small storage tank anywhere within the Sydney Metropolitan Area--B, and(c) the unloading of a large tank vehicle into any prescribed storage tank.
(2) The owner of a tank vehicle must not use the tank vehicle, or allow the tank vehicle to be used, to load or unload volatile organic liquid unless the tank vehicle is fitted with the following control equipment and the equipment is maintained in an efficient condition--(a) a vapour handling system for the transfer between delivery tanks of vapour displaced during loading or unloading operations,(b) an overfill protection device, located in the delivery tank, that is designed to stop the flow of volatile organic liquid into the tank as near as practicable to the level of minimum ullage,(c) couplings on liquid transfer pipes and hoses on the tank vehicle that make a liquid-tight connection with the respective mating fittings and that, in the case of liquid transfer pipes, close automatically when disconnected,(d) hatch covers on any openings that are required to be vapour-tight when closed,(e) pressure vacuum valves on all atmospheric vents, except emergency vents, that are set to be closed when the pressure in the tank is between 15 kilopascals above, and 3 kilopascals below, ambient pressure, being valves that may be fitted with a vent by-pass or pilot-bleed system if the maximum area for free venting is limited to 15 square millimetres.: Maximum penalty--200 penalty units, in the case of a corporation, or 40 penalty units, in the case of an individual.
(3) The vapour handling system referred to in subclause (2)(a) must comply with the following requirements--(a) the delivery tank must be fitted with a vapour transfer valve connecting the tank, through a manifold if desired, to a vapour line coupling or permanently connected vapour hose,(b) the vapour transfer valve--(i) must be interlocked with the delivery valve, so as to be open whenever volatile organic liquid is being transferred to or from the tank, and(ii) if the vapour return hose is not permanently connected to the delivery tank, must be interlocked with the vapour line coupling on the delivery tank, so as to be closed unless the vapour return hose is attached to that coupling,(c) unless the delivery tank is fitted with a permanently connected vapour hose, the tank vehicle must carry a vapour return hose of vapour-tight construction, fitted to connect--(i) at one end, to the vapour line coupling on the vehicle, and(ii) at the other end, to a vapour return coupling at the liquid loading or unloading plant,(d) the vapour line, including any vapour hose carried by the vehicle, must have an internal diameter of not less than 65 per cent of the internal diameter of the largest liquid transfer hose carried by the vehicle,(e) couplings on vapour transfer hoses on the tank vehicle must make vapour-tight connections with the respective fittings on the vehicle.
(4) A person is exempt from the operation of this clause if--(a) the vehicle is fitted with control equipment that is approved by the EPA by notice in writing to the owner of the vehicle, and(b) the vehicle and control equipment are maintained and operated in such manner as the EPA specifies in that notice of approval.
(5) The EPA may vary or revoke an approval or exemption under this clause at any time by notice in writing served on the holder of the approval or exemption.