This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 - As at 19 August 2022 - Reg 485 of 2021 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions PART 2 - DOMESTIC SOLID FUEL HEATERS 4. Definitions 5. Application of Part 6. Requirement for certificates of compliance when heaters are sold 7. Interference with heaters PART 3 - CONTROL OF BURNING Division 1 - Preliminary 8. Definitions 9. Application of Part Division 2 - Control of burning generally 10. General obligation to prevent or minimise air pollution 11. Prohibition on burning certain articles Division 3 - Control of burning in local government areas 12. Offences 13. Approval for certain fires or incinerators PART 4 - MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTOR VEHICLE FUELS Division 1 - Interpretation 14. Definitions Division 2 - Air impurities 15. Excessive air impurities 16. Motor vehicles emitting excessive air impurities Division 3 - Prescribed anti-pollution devices 17. Prescribed anti-pollution devices 18. Fitting of certain anti-pollution devices to be compulsory 19. Complying exhaust pipe not required for certain vehicles 20. Exemption from offence relating to sale of motor vehicles Division 4 - Use and maintenance of motor vehicles 21. Maintenance of vehicles 22. Use of motor vehicle requires anti-pollution device 23. Maintenance, service and adjustment of motor vehicles 24. Removal or adjustment of anti-pollution devices 25. Exemption from offence against section 157 Division 5 - Transfer of petrol 26. Transfer of petrol into fuel tanks of motor vehicles Division 6 - Petrol volatility 27. Definitions 28. Monthly volumetric average vapour pressure 29. Vapour pressure of petrol 30. Record keeping 31. Reporting PART 5 - AIR IMPURITIES EMITTED FROM ACTIVITIES AND PLANT Division 1 - Preliminary 32. Definitions Division 2 - Standards for scheduled premises 33. General grouping of activities and plant 34. Emission units taken to be in Group 6 35. Phasing out of Group 1 36. Phasing out of Group 2 37. Alternative standards imposed by licence conditions 38. Determination of application for variation of licence 39. Prescribed standards of concentration for air impurities 40. Determining whether standards have been exceeded 41. Dioxins and furans 42. Approved circumstances in relation to smoke emissions 43. Alternative standard for hydrogen sulfide emissions Division 3 - Standards for non-scheduled premises 44. Grouping of activities and plant 45. Prescribed standards of concentration for air impurities 46. Determining if standards have been exceeded 47. Approved circumstances in relation to smoke emissions Division 4 - Group 6 treatment plants 48. Definition 49. Application of Division 50. Operation of Group 6 treatment plant 51. Residence time 52. Combustion temperature 53. Destruction efficiency Division 5 - Miscellaneous 54. Emission points 55. Combination of air impurities from 2 or more sources 56. Standards of concentration not to affect other controls 57. Exemptions relating to start-up and shutdown periods 58. Exemption relating to emission of smoke 59. Exemption relating to emergency electricity generation 60. Limits on sulfur content of liquid fuel PART 6 - CONTROL OF VOLATILE ORGANIC LIQUIDS Division 1 - Preliminary 61. Definitions Division 2 - Requirements to fit control equipment 62. Equipment and plant to be fitted with control equipment 63. Exemptions from requirement for control equipment Division 3 - Storage tanks and loading plants 64. Application 65. Control equipment for large storage tanks 66. Control equipment for large loading plant 67. Control equipment for small storage tanks Division 4 - Tank vehicles 68. Control equipment for large tank vehicles 69. Loading and unloading large tank vehicles Division 5 - Petrol service stations Subdivision 1 - Preliminary 70. Definitions Subdivision 2 - Stage one vapour recovery 71. Control equipment for storage tanks on petrol service stations 72. Specifications regarding covers 73. Specifications regarding periodic testing Subdivision 3 - Stage two vapour recovery 74. Control equipment for petrol dispensers 75. Specifications regarding testing 76. Specifications regarding monitoring Subdivision 4 - Miscellaneous 77. Reporting to EPA 78. Compliance notification 79. Log books 80. Exemptions PART 7 - MISCELLANEOUS 81. Savings 82. Repeal SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 6 SCHEDULE 7