This legislation has been repealed.
(1) This clause applies to authorities to drive buses and to drivers' authority cards.
(2) A person must not:(a) alter or deface any authority or driver's authority card, or(b) lend or part with any authority or driver's authority card.Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.
(3) An authority or driver's authority card that has been altered or defaced is void and may be returned to the Director-General for replacement.
(4) On the return of an authority or driver's authority card, or on proof to the satisfaction of the Director-General that an authority or driver's authority card has been destroyed, stolen or lost, the Director-General may cause a duplicate of it to be issued, and any such duplicate then becomes, for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation, the authority or driver's authority card in respect of which the duplicate is issued, and the original authority or driver's authority card becomes void.