This legislation has been repealed.
This Regulation was repealed by sec 10 (2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146 with effect from 1.9.2017.
Coastal Management Act 2016 No
20 (not commenced)
Crown Land Legislation Amendment Act
2017 No 17 (not commenced)
The following abbreviations are used in the Historical notes:
Am | amended | LW | legislation website | Sch | Schedule | |
Cl | clause | No | number | Schs | Schedules | |
Cll | clauses | p | page | Sec | section | |
Div | Division | pp | pages | Secs | sections | |
Divs | Divisions | Reg | Regulation | Subdiv | Subdivision | |
GG | Government Gazette | Regs | Regulations | Subdivs | Subdivisions | |
Ins | inserted | Rep | repealed | Subst | substituted |
2013 | (312) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits)
Regulation 2013. LW 21.6.2013. Date of commencement, 1.7.2013, cl 2. |
2014 | (338) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits)
Regulation 2014. LW 6.6.2014. Date of commencement, 1.7.2014, cl 2. |
2015 | (335) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits)
Regulation 2015. LW 26.6.2015. Date of commencement, 1.7.2015, cl 2. |
(819) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Permanent Survey
Mark) Regulation 2015. LW 18.12.2015. Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2. | |
2016 | (417) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits)
Regulation 2016. LW 1.7.2016. Date of commencement, 1.7.2016, cl 2. |
2017 | (316) | Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits)
Regulation 2017. LW 30.6.2017. Date of commencement, 1.7.2017, cl 2. |
Cl 5 | Am 2016 (417), Sch 1 [1] [2]. |
Sch 4 | Am 2015 (819), Sch 1. |
Sch 7 | Subst 2013 (312), Sch 1; 2014 (338), Sch 1; 2015 (335), Sch 1; 2016 (417), Sch 1 [3]; 2017 (316), Sch 1. |