This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 1 January 2008 - Reg 012 of 1982 TABLE OF PROVISIONS 1. Name of Policy 2. Aims, objectives etc 3. Land to which Policy applies 3A. Definitions 4. Relationship to other environmental planning instruments 5. Port Kembla Coal Loader 6. Receival of coal and coke by road haulage 7. Minister may impose conditions on receival of coal or coke by road haulage 8. Times at which coal may be received by road haulage from a colliery 9. Collieries from which coal may be road-hauled 10. Rail transport disruption 11. Receival of coal by road haulage from the steelworks 12. Receival of coke and screened coal by road haulage SCHEDULE 1