(1) The Director may, in accordance with subsection (2), make a request in writing to an official whose functions include prosecuting for or investigating offences.
(2) Where the Director has instituted or taken over, or is considering whether to bring or take over, a prosecution or appeal in relation to an offence or suspected offence, a request may be made for:
(a) any specified information, document or material or a specified kind of information, document or material, or for all relevant information, documents and material, to be given to the Director; or
(b) the provision of assistance, including the carrying out of an investigation or further investigation of a matter;
in relation to the offence or suspected offence.
(3) Despite any other written law, an official to whom a request is made under this section must comply with it so far as it is practicable to do so.
(4) In this section:
"document" includes data recorded or stored mechanically, photographically or electronically and any tape, disc or other device or medium on which it is recorded or stored.
"official" means:
(a) a police officer (including the Commissioner of Police); or
(b) a person employed by an authority or corporation established under a law of the Territory and authorised by or under that law to investigate, or to make a complaint charging, an offence against a law in force in the Territory; or
(c) an officer or employee of the Public Service of the Commonwealth or of the Public Sector, as defined in section 3 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993 , acting in the course of his or her employment as such an officer or employee.