(1) In this Order, unless the contrary intention appears:
"garnishee" means a person from whom a judgment creditor claims that a debt:
(a) is due or accruing to the judgment debtor on the day an order for the filing and service of a garnishee summons is made; or
(b) will or is likely to become due or accrue to the judgment debtor between the day an order for the filing and service of a garnishee summons is made and the day for hearing named in the summons.
"judgment creditor" means a person entitled to enforce a judgment for the payment of money, other than a judgment for the payment of money into court.
"judgment debtor" means a person required by a judgment to pay money otherwise than into court.
(2) This Order does not apply to debts, being earnings within the meaning of Order 72, due or accruing to the judgment debtor.