(1) A proper officer must not issue:
(a) a certificate of conviction of a person convicted in the Court;
(b) a certificate of conviction of a person convicted in the Local Court under Part V, Division 2 of the Local Court (Criminal Procedure) Act 1928 ; or
(c) a certificate under section 21B of the Crimes Act 1914 of the Commonwealth,
(d) the appeal period expires; or
(e) if an appeal is lodged – after the determination of the appeal.
(2) A person may apply, not earlier than 28 days after a conviction is recorded, to a proper officer for a certificate of conviction in relation to that conviction.
(3) The proper officer must issue a certificate of conviction if the application is accompanied by a certificate, in the form approved by the Registrar and signed by the Registrar and certifying that no appeal has been lodged against the conviction.
(4) A certificate of conviction is to be in accordance with Form 81A-F.
(5) In this rule, "appeal" includes an application for leave to appeal.