(1) The Registrar must set a date for a directions hearing and inform the parties.
(2) At the directions hearing, the Registrar must:
(a) in the case of an appeal to the Supreme Court – determine whether an appeal book is necessary; and
(b) settle the index to the appeal book; and
(c) settle any other matters related to the appeal book; and
(d) set the hearing date; and
(e) make any other necessary programming orders.
(3) To settle the appeal book, the Registrar must determine the following:
(a) the documents that should be included in the appeal book;
(b) the sequence of the documents;
(c) the number of copies of the appeal book required;
(d) the time within which those copies are to be filed and served;
(e) any other matters the Registrar considers are required for the preparation of copies of the appeal book.