(1) Within 3 days after an application is lodged under section 9 in respect of an alcohol protection order, a senior officer must reconsider the decision to issue the order and give the adult, or a person who the senior officer reasonably believes to be the adult's legal representative, a notice in writing about the senior officer's decision.
(2) The senior officer may reconsider the original decision in any way the senior officer considers appropriate.
(3) If the senior officer's decision is to revoke the alcohol protection order, then the order immediately ceases to be in force.
(4) The notice about the senior officer's decision must include the following:
(a) whether the decision is to confirm the issue of the alcohol protection order or to revoke the order;
(b) that the adult may apply to the Local Court for a review of the merits of the senior officer's decision;
(c) the period allowed for applying for a review of the senior officer's decision;
(d) how to apply for the review.
(5) The senior officer must record in a document the reasons for the decision but may inform the adult orally of the reasons.